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true 2021 AAPM Virtual 63rd Annual Meeting - Radiobiology and Preclinical Systems - 2021-07-25T00:00:00+00:00 Video Virtual Library

2021 AAPM Virtual 63rd Annual Meeting - Session: Radiobiology and Preclinical Systems

Modeling DNA Structure with Different Chromatin Compaction in TOPAS-NBio Using Hi-C Representations
Dohyeon Yoo Physics Division, Department of Radiation Oncology, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

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All videos in this session:
ATR Inhibition Suppresses DNA Damage Signaling and Sensitizes Cancer Cells to Photons and Protons - David Martinus UT MD Anderson Cancer Center
Mechanistic Modelling of Oxygen Enhancement Ratio with DNA Damage by GMicroMC - Youfang Lai University of Texas at Arlington
Radiodynamic Therapy for Treatment of Lung Cancer: An In-Vivo Study - Dae-myoung Yang Fox Chase Cancer Center
Second Generation Silica-Based Bismuth Gadolinium Nanoparticles for Tumor Dose Enhancement and Real-Time MR-Tracking - Needa Virani, PhD Brigham and Women's Hospital & Dana-Farber Cancer
Development of a Novel System for Preclinical Small Animal MR-Guided Radiation Experiments - Jace Grandinetti
Improving the Efficiency of Small Animal IMRT with Submillimeter Dose Deposition Kernels and Total Variation Regularization - Xinmin Liu University of Pennsylvania
Q & A -
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