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true 2021 AAPM Virtual 63rd Annual Meeting - Quantitative Ultrasound and Emergent Imaging Technology (II) Q & A - 2021-07-25T00:00:00+00:00 Video Virtual Library

2021 AAPM Virtual 63rd Annual Meeting - Session: Quantitative Ultrasound and Emergent Imaging Technology (II) Q & A

Q & A

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All videos in this session:
High-Resolution Ultrasound Imaging Through Self-Supervised Learning - Xianjin Dai Emory University
A Novel Wireless Mechanical Oscillator for Power Doppler-Based Needle Tip Identification in Brachytherapy - Nathan Orlando Robarts Research Institute
A Novel End-To-End Deep Learning Based Beamformer for Flexible Array Ultrasound Transducer - Xinyue Huang Johns Hopkins University
X-Ray Acoustic Computed Tomography of Linac Photon Beams: Medium Dependent Experiments - Gilberto Gonzalez University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
4D MR Reconstruction Based On Real-Time 3D Ultrasound for Image-Guided Radiotherapy - Sydney Jupitz University of Wisconsin-Madison
An Unsupervised Ultrasound Liver Motion Tracking Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network - Yang Lei Emory Univ
Motion Management in Abdomen with An Integrated Ultrasound and Abdominal Pressure Plate Device - Wanqing Li University of Science and Technology of China
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