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true 2021 AAPM Virtual 63rd Annual Meeting - Novel and Emerging Technologies in Radiation Therapy - 2021-07-25T00:00:00+00:00 Video Virtual Library

2021 AAPM Virtual 63rd Annual Meeting - Session: Novel and Emerging Technologies in Radiation Therapy

Plastic and Lead-Doped Scintillators for Ultrahigh Dose-Rate Irradiations Delivered with An X-Ray Tube
Daniel Cecchi University of Victoria

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All videos in this session:
A Deconvolution-Based Image Fusion Technique for Heterogenous Multi-Layer Portal Imagers - Ingrid Valencia Lozano Brigham and Women’s Hospital & Dana Farber Cancer Institute
Exploiting Pair Production for Nanoparticle Imaging and for In-Vivo Beam Monitoring in Megavoltage Radiotherapy - Davide Brivio Brigham and Women's Hospital
Hypersensitivity of Cancer Cells to Photon and Proton Radiation Caused by Disruption of Cell Cycle Arrest by An ATR Inhibitor - Mandira Manandhar UT MD Anderson Cancer Center
The Feasibility of Measuring In Vivo Tumor Microenvironment PH During Radiotherapy Using a Novel Cerenkov Emission Multispectral Optical Probe Based On Silicon Photomultipliers - Ibrahim Oraiqat, PhD H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute
Three-Dimensional Tumor Spheroid Model as a Tool to Optimize the Nano-Bio Interface - Kyle Bromma University of Victoria
Measurement of Secondary Neutron Spectrum with He4 Fast Neutron Detector - Sanjiv Samant, PhD University of Florida
Q & A -
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