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true 2021 AAPM Virtual 63rd Annual Meeting - Deep learning in Treatment Planning - 2021-07-25T00:00:00+00:00 Video Virtual Library

2021 AAPM Virtual 63rd Annual Meeting - Session: Deep learning in Treatment Planning

A Deep-Learning-Enabled Remote Teaching Platform for Pancreas SBRT Treatment Planning: A Pilot Study in Pandemic Era
Yibo Xie Duke University Medical Center

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All videos in this session:
3D DenseNet for Improving Dose Prediction of Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy in Prostate Cancer - Jie Fu, MS UCLA Radiation Oncology
A Deep Learning-Based Framework for Dose Prediction of Pancreatic Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy - Shadab Momin Emory University
Attention-Gated U-Net Implementation in Total Marrow Irradiation Plan Dose Prediction - Dongsu Du, PhD City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center
Transfer Learning for Fluence Map Prediction in Adrenal Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy - Wentao Wang Duke University
How Fluence-Prediction Error Impact Final Plan Quality: Insights Into a Deep-Learning-Based (DL-Based) Head-And-Neck (H&N) IMRT Planning AI Agent - Xinyi Li Duke University Medical Center
Feasibility Study of Cross-Modality IMRT Auto-Planning Guided by a Deep Learning Model - Gregory Szalkowski UNC Health Care
Q & A -
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