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true 2022 AAPM Summer School - Introduction and Overview - 2022-06-08T00:00:00+00:00 Video Virtual Library

2022 AAPM Summer School - Session: Introduction and Overview

Overview of Standard Reference Dosimetry Protocols for Conventional Fields
M. Saiful Huq, UPMC Hillman Cancer Center and University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine

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All videos in this session:
Welcome Address - Vrinda Narayana, Providence Cancer Center
Welcome Address - M. Saiful Huq, UPMC Hillman Cancer Center and University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Welcome Address - Jan Seuntjens, University Health Network
Keynote: Overview of the Current Status of and Clinical Impetus for SRS/SBRT - Robert Timmerman, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Ctr
Dosimetric Errors of Radiotherapy Techniques Involving Small Fields - Courtney Buckey, Mayo Clinic Arizona
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