Question 1: Lung tumor motion…
Reference: | Shah et al. "Real-time tumor tracking in the lung using an electromagnetic tracking system," International Journal of Radiation Oncology* Biology* Physics 86, 477-483 (2013).
Choice A: | Is the same for all patients, between treatments and within each treatment |
Choice B: | Varies between patients, but stays the same between treatments and within each treatment. |
Choice C: | Varies between patients and treatments, but stays the same within each treatment. |
Choice D: | Varies between patients, between treatments and within each treatment. |
Question 2: For the majority of patients, the impact of respiratory motion on radiotherapy dose delivery to a small tumor is: |
Reference: | Witte et al. “The effects of target size and tissue density on the minimum margin required for random errors,” Med. Phys. 31, 3068-3079 (2004).
Choice A: | Larger in lung than in liver |
Choice B: | Smaller in lung than in liver |
Choice C: | The same in lung and liver |
Question 3: Calculation of an appropriate PTV margin requires: |
Reference: | van Herk et al. “The probability of correct target dosage: dose-population
Histograms for deriving treatment margins in radiotherapy, ” In. J. Radiat. Biol. Phys. 47: 1121-1135 (2000).
Choice A: | Defining the region in space that covers the CTV 100% of the time for all fractions |
Choice B: | Defining a region of space that is covered by a certain isodose line during all time for each fraction |
Choice C: | Defining a region in space that is covered with a certain probability by a certain isodose line in the dose accounting for intra- and inter-fraction motion |
Question 4: What is the largest source of error in the dosimetry chain without tracking? |
Reference: | Colvill et al. A dosimetric comparison of real-time adaptive and non-adaptive radiotherapy: A multi-institutional study encompassing robotic, gimbaled, multileaf collimator and couch tracking, Rad Onc 2016
Choice A: | Modeling MLC transmission and offsets |
Choice B: | Target motion |
Choice C: | Dose calculation algorithms |
Choice D: | Measurement inaccuracies |
Question 5: CTV-PTV margins for lung and prostate SBRT are…
Reference: | Q.-T. Le, B.W. Loo, A. Ho, C. Cotrutz, A.C. Koong, H. Wakelee, S.T. Kee, D. Constantinescu, R.I. Whyte, J. Donington, "Results of a Phase I Dose-Escalation Study Using Single-Fraction Stereotactic Radiotherapy for Lung Tumors," Journal of Thoracic Oncology 1, 802-809 (2006).
Choice A: | Similar for tracking and similar for conventional |
Choice B: | Similar for tracking and different for conventional |
Choice C: | Different for tracking and similar for conventional |
Choice D: | Different for tracking and different for conventional |
Question 6: If a typical lung patient is gated 50% of the time the beam is on, what is the effect on efficiency?
Reference: | Guckenberger et al, “A novel respiratory motion compensation strategy combining gated beam delivery and mean target position concept --a compromise between small safety margins and long duty cycles., ” Radiother. Oncol. 98(3):317-22 (2011).
Choice A: | Efficient around inhale. |
Choice B: | Efficient around exhale. |
Choice C: | Not worth the trouble as it only halves the motion. |