Question 1: What is the leading cause of false-positive mammograms?
Reference: | Durand MA, Haas MD et al. Early Clinical Experience with Digital Breast Tomosynthesis for Screening Mammography. Radiology Jan 2015; 274(1):85-92 |
Choice A: | Cystic breasts |
Choice B: | Calcifications |
Choice C: | Asymmetries |
Choice D: | Motion artifacts |
Question 2: In the United States, how often are women recalled from a screening mammogram?
Reference: | Schell MJ, et al Evidence-based target recall rates for screening mammography.Radiology2007; 243 (3):681-9 |
Choice A: | 1 in 5 |
Choice B: | 1 in 10 |
Choice C: | 1 in 50 |
Choice D: | 1 in 100 |
Question 3: In current clinical and clinical prototype systems, Breast CT is performed:
Reference: | O'Connell A, Conover DL, Zhang Y, Seifert P, Logan-Young W, Lin CF, Sahler L, Ning R. Cone-beam CT for breast imaging: Radiation dose, breast coverage, and image quality. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2010 Aug; 195(2):496-509. |
Choice A: | Standing |
Choice B: | Supine |
Choice C: | Sitting upright |
Choice D: | Prone |
Question 4: Despite the higher x-ray energies used in breast CT compared to mammography, the soft tissue contrast remains excellent because...
Reference: | Chen L, Abbey CK, Nosrateih A, Lindfors KK, Boone JM, Anatomical complexity in breast parenchyma and its implications for optimal breast imaging strategies, Med Phys 39: 2012; 1435 |
Choice A: | The ramp filter is used during image reconstruction |
Choice B: | The power of tomography – viewing (X,Y) in the haze of an (X,Y,Z) object |
Choice C: | Of preferential photon absorption in the adipose tissue |
Choice D: | Diffraction effects at the tissue interfaces |
Choice E: | Low scatter levels due to aggressive grid ratios |
Question 5: The full width at half maximum of the slice sensitivity profile in breast CT is approximately ______ mm, and that of tomosynthesis is approximately _____mm.
Reference: | Nosratieh A, Yang K, Aminololama-Shakeri S, Boone JM, Comprehensive assessment of the slice sensitivity profiles in breast tomosynthesis and breast CT, Med Phys 39: 2012; p 7254
Choice A: | 0.3 mm / 10 mm |
Choice B: | 1 mm / 1 mm |
Choice C: | 5 mm / 15 mm |
Choice D: | 0.25 mm / 2 mm |
Choice E: | 3 mm / 0.625 mm |
Question 6: The change in HU in a lesion that occurs due to iodinated contrast injection can be used as a biomarker in its own right, with an area under the ROC curve (AUC) of about:
Reference: | Prionas ND, Lindfors KK, Ray S, Huang S-Y, Beckett LA, Monsky WL, Boone JM, Contrast-enhanced dedicated breast CT: Initial clinical experience, Radiology 256: 2010; p 714
Choice A: | 0.50 |
Choice B: | 0.66 |
Choice C: | 0.70 |
Choice D: | 0.87 |
Choice E: | 0.99 |
Question 7: The earliest clinical study of dedicated breast CT, also referred to as CT Mammography was reported in:
Reference: | Chang CH, Sibala JL, Fritz SL, Dwyer SJ 3rd, Templeton AW, Lin F, Jewell WR. Computed tomography in detection and diagnosis of breast cancer. Cancer. 1980 Aug 15; 46(4 Suppl): 939-46 |
Choice A: | 1992. |
Choice B: | 1995. |
Choice C: | 1999. |
Choice D: | 1980. |
Question 8: According to current clinical practice which of the following may be considered an appropriate and FDA-approved use of dedicated breast CT? |
Reference: | (Phys Med Biol. 2013 Nov 21;58(22):7921-36) |
Choice A: | Screening of women with dense breasts . |
Choice B: | Adjunct or substitute for diagnostic mammography views. |
Choice C: | Suspicion of inflammatory breast carcinoma. |
Choice D: | Differentiation between solid and cystic mass in the breast using intravenous administered contrast media. |
Question 9: Which is the most appropriate way to report the radiation dose to the breast in dedicated breast CT?
Reference: | Phys Med Biol. 2013 Nov 21; 58(22):7921-36 |
Choice A: | By reporting the mean glandular dose |
Choice B: | By reporting the skin entrance dose |
Choice C: | By reporting the percent depth dose |
Choice D: | By reporting the CTDIvol |
Question 10: Consider a patient who will undergo a diagnostic imaging workup on her left breast which is heterogeneously dense, and has a compressed thickness of 6.0 cm. Instead of the mammographic workup the radiologist uses dedicated breast CT on that breast.
Within which range of Mean Glandular Dose is the dose most likely to be? |
Reference: | Phys Med Biol. 2013 Nov 21; 58(22):7921-36 |
Choice A: | Between 0.5 and 1.0 mGy |
Choice B: | Between 1.0 and 1.5 mGy |
Choice C: | Between 1.5 and 2.0 mGy |
Choice D: | Between 6.0 and 27 mGy |