2018 AAPM Annual Meeting
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Session Title: Planning for Uncertainty: Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Planning
Question 1: A nurse diagnosed with Ebola after providing care to an infected patient at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas in October 2014 is an example of which man-made risk?
Reference:e.g., Ebola - Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas… Security Management, ASIS International, https://sm.asisonline.org
Choice A:Cyber attack
Choice B:Dirty bomb (https://sm.asisonline.org/Pages/Radioactive-Remedies.aspx)
Choice C:Pediatric kidnapping
Choice D:Active shooter
Choice E:Epidemiological contraction
Question 2: Which of the following was the most common type of natural disaster between 1995-2015?
Reference:https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/01/which-natural-disasters-hit-most-frequently/; https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COP21_WeatherDisastersReport_2015_FINAL.pdf
Choice A:Geological
Choice B:Hydrological
Choice C:Meteorological
Choice D:Wildfires
Question 3: AAPM Audit Committee evaluating its enterprise risk management is an example of which kind of security management?
Reference:Security Management, ASIS International, https://sm.asisonline.org
Choice A:National security.
Choice B:Physical security.
Choice C:Cybersecurity.
Choice D:Strategic security.
Choice E:Industry security.
Question 4: The National Preparedness System integrates efforts across five preparedness mission areas: prevention, protection, mitigation, response, and recovery:
Reference:National Disaster Recovery Framework, 2nd edition, www.fema.gov (https://www.fema.gov/media-library-data/1466014998123-4bec8550930f774269e0c5968b120ba2/National_Disaster_Recovery_Framework2nd.pdf
Choice A:True.
Choice B:False.
Question 5: The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) appears to use ___ for emergency planning.
Choice A:Modeling
Choice B:Risk analysis
Choice C:Loss estimation
Choice D:Resource analysis and inventory
Choice E:All of the above
Question 6: Emergency planning and its activation includes
Reference:Alexander, D. E. (2002). Principles of emergency planning and management. Oxford University Press on Demand.
Choice A:Planning process.
Choice B:Disseminating the plan.
Choice C:Testing and revising the plan.
Choice D:All of the above.
Question 7: The most likely specialized emergency planning a medical physicist would be involved in is:
Reference:Alexander, D. E. (2002). Principles of emergency planning and management. Oxford University Press on Demand
Choice A:Emergency medical planning.
Choice B:Schools.
Choice C:Libraries and archives.
Choice D:Mass media.
Choice E:Psychiatric help.
Question 8: The reconstruction planning a medical physicist may be required to do for their clinical facility includes:
Reference:Alexander, D. E. (2002). Principles of emergency planning and management. Oxford University Press on Demand.
Choice A:Temporary measures.
Choice B:Restoration of services.
Choice C:Reconstruction of damaged structures.
Choice D:Development and mitigation.
Choice E:All of the above.
Question 9: The last phase in a basic business continuity plan is
Reference:Jagschies, G., Westman, D, and Raw, D. (2014)Supply Chain Challenges in the Biopharmaceutical Industry: a Case Study Following the 2011 Tsunami in Japan
Choice A:Pre-incident planning
Choice B:Emergency response
Choice C:Crisis management and communication plan
Choice D:Business recovery
Question 10: The incident management protocol that may be useful for planning is:
Reference:- https://sm.asisonline.org/Pages/Book-Review----Healthcare-Emergency-Incident-Management.aspx
Choice A:California Emergency Medical Services Authority’s Hospital Emergency Incident Command System.
Choice B:U.S. National Incident Management System (https://www.fema.gov/national-incident-management-system).
Choice C:Joint Commission standards.
Choice D:Healthcare Emergency Incident Management Operations Guide.
Choice E:All of the above.
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