AAPM has contracted with NCRP to provide each AAPM Member in good standing access and download privileges of electronically available NCRP reports, commentaries and statements. This report was prepared by the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP). The Council strives to provide accurate, complete and useful information in its reports. However, neither the NCRP, the members of NCRP, other persons contributing to or assisting in the preparation of this report, nor any person acting on the behalf of any of these parties (a) makes any warranty or representation, express or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, method or process disclosed in this report may not infringe on privately owned rights; or (b) assumes any liability with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of, any information, method or process disclosed in this report.
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Report No. 151 - Structural Shielding Design and Evaluation for Megavoltage X- and Gamma-Ray Radiotherapy Facilities (2005) ![]() Price: $110 PDF (AAPM Members FREE) Category: Reports The purpose of radiation shielding is to limit radiation exposures to members of the public and employees to an acceptable level. This Report presents recommendations and technical information related to the design and installation of structural shielding for megavoltage x- and gamma-ray radiotherapy facilities. This information supersedes the recommendations in NCRP Report No. 49 (NCRP, 1976) pertaining to such medical radiotherapy facilities. Since the publication of NCRP Report No. 49, many facilities have been designed for accelerating voltages greater than the 10 MV maximum that was covered in that report. Hence recent designs have had to refer to NCRP Report No. 51 (NCRP, 1977) and NCRP Report No. 79 (NCRP, 1984) in order to account for the higher accelerating voltages and the concomitant production of neutrons. In addition, the use of barriers constructed with composite materials has become commonplace. This Report includes the necessary information for these higher accelerating voltages as well as a discussion of the various factors to be considered in the selection of appropriate shielding materials and in the calculation and evaluation of barrier thicknesses (Sections 1 through 6). Section 7 presents an extensive set of sample calculations, Appendices A and B provide supporting data figures and tables, respectively, and Appendix C discusses neutron monitoring for radiotherapy facilities. This Report is mainly intended for those individuals who specialize in radiation protection, but it will also be of interest to architects, hospital administrators, and related professionals concerned with the planning of new radiotherapy facilities. ISBN-13: 978-0-929600-87-1 View the latest Book Review of this Report. View the Virtual Library Presentation from the 2007 AAPM Summer School entitled Overview and Basis of Design for NCRP Report 151 by Raymond Wu, PhD, Grant/Riverside Methodist Hospital, Columbus, OH. Keywords: shielding, megavoltage, radiotherapy, medical physics, x rays, gamma rays Scientific Committee: James A. Deye, Chairman James E. Rodgers, Vice-Chairman Raymond K. Wu, Vice-Chairman Peter J. Biggs Richard C. McCall Patton H. McGinley Kenneth R. Kase, Liaison Marc Edwards, Liaison |