Report No. 012 - Evaluation of Radiation Exposure Levels in Cine Cardiac Catheterization Laboratories (1984) Category: Reports Cinefluorographic examinations are for widely employed cardiovascular examinations in which it is necessary to document dynamic physiological functions such as heart function and blood flow. Although it is a useful diagnostic tool, a cine examination has the potential of producing relatively high radiation exposure levels to both the patient and the medical personnel conducting the examination. ISBN: 978-0-883184-39-4 Keywords: Angiography, Cardiology, Radiation Protection, Radiation Safety Diagnostic Radiology Committee Cine Task Force Stephen Balter, Cari Borras, Pei-Jan Paul Lin, Robert J. Moore, William E. Moore, Perry Sprawls Jr Committee Responsible: Radiography and Fluoroscopy Subcommittee Last Review Date: |