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Report No. 119 - IMRT commissioning: Multiple institution planning and dosimetry comparisons, a report from AAPM Task Group 119 (2009)

Category: Reports

AAPM Task Group 119 has produced quantitative confidence limits as baseline expectation values for IMRT commissioning. A set of test cases was developed to assess the overall accuracy of planning and delivery of IMRT treatments. Each test uses contours of targets and avoidance struc- tures drawn within rectangular phantoms. These tests were planned, delivered, measured, and analyzed by nine facilities using a variety of IMRT planning and delivery systems. Each facility had passed the Radiological Physics Center credentialing tests for IMRT. The agreement between the planned and measured doses was determined using ion chamber dosimetry in high and low dose regions, film dosimetry on coronal planes in the phantom with all fields delivered, and planar dosimetry for each field measured perpendicular to the central axis. The planar dose distributions were assessed using gamma criteria of 3%/3 mm. The mean values and standard deviations were used to develop confidence limits for the test results using the concept confidence limit= |mean| + 1.96σ. Other facilities can use the test protocol and results as a basis for comparison to this group. Locally derived confidence limits that substantially exceed these baseline values may indicate the need for improved IMRT commissioning.

DISCLAIMER: This publication is based on sources and information believed to be reliable, but the AAPM and the editors disclaim any warranty or liability based on or relating to the contents of this publication. The AAPM does not endorse any products, manufacturers, vendors, or suppliers. Nothing in this publication should be interpreted as implying such endorsement. AAPM is not responsible for the use or results of any testing done in reliance on this publication.

Medical Physics, 36, 5359-5373 (2009)

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Keywords: IMRT, Commissioning, Quality Assurance, Dosimetry, Treatment Planning
Work Group on IMRT Task Group #119

*Note: A test suite of mock clinical cases for IMRT planning and QA measurements can be accessed here.

Gary A. Ezzell, Jay W. Burmeister, Nesrin Dogan, Thomas J. LoSasso, James G. Mechalakos, Dimitris Mihailidis, Andrea Molineu, Jatinder R. Palta, Chester R. Ramsey, Bill J. Salter, Jie Shi, Ping Xia, Ning J. Yue, Ying Xiao

Committee Responsible: Quality Assurance and Outcome Improvement Subcommittee

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