Report No. 046 - Comprehensive QA for Radiation Oncology (1994) Category: Reports This document is the report of a task group of the Radiation Therapy Committee of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine and supersedes the recommendations of AAPM Report 13 (AAPM, 1984). The purpose of the report is twofold. First, the advances in radiation oncology in the decade since AAPM Report 13 (AAPM, 1984) necessitated a new document on quality assurance (QA). Second, developments in the principles of quality assurance and continuing quality improvement necessitated a report framed in this context. ISBN: 978-1-563964-01-5 Keywords: Quality Assurance, External Beam Radiation Therapy, Treatment Planning, Brachytherapy, Roles and Responsibilities Radiation Therapy Committee Task Group #40 This report has been partially updated. Recommendations in Table II (linear accelerator QA) are superseded by Report 142. Gerald J. Kutcher, Lawrence Coia, Michael Gillin, William F. Hanson, Steven Leibel, Robert J. Morton, Jatinder R. Palta, James A. Purdy, Lawrence E. Reinstein, Goran K. Svensson, Mona Weller, Linda Wingfield Committee Responsible: Quality Assurance and Outcome Improvement Subcommittee Last Review Date: |