All 2019 AM presentations
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SU-A-SAN4 AAPM Medical Physics Student Meeting: Patient Communication - A Future Role for Clinical Physicists?
Why Should Medical Physicists Communicate with Patients?Presented by Todd Atwood, PhD University of California, San Diego
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.9 (higher is better), with 9 responding
VLID: 13400

SU-A-SAN4 AAPM Medical Physics Student Meeting: Patient Communication - A Future Role for Clinical Physicists?
Effective Clinical Communication StrategiesPresented by Derek Brown, PhD University of California, San Diego
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 5 responding
VLID: 13401

SU-A-SAN4 AAPM Medical Physics Student Meeting: Patient Communication - A Future Role for Clinical Physicists? Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13403

SU-B-SAN1 Education Council Symposium: Defining and Measuring Quality in Medical Physics Education
Introduction; Quality Metrics in Higher EducationPresented by George Starkschall, PhD University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13404

SU-B-SAN1 Education Council Symposium: Defining and Measuring Quality in Medical Physics Education
Assessment of Quality in Didactic Graduate ProgramsPresented by Edward Jackson, PhD University of Wisconsin
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13405

SU-B-SAN1 Education Council Symposium: Defining and Measuring Quality in Medical Physics Education
Assessment of Quality in Clinical Residency ProgramsPresented by Kristi Hendrickson, PhD University of Washington
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 13406

SU-B-SAN1 Education Council Symposium: Defining and Measuring Quality in Medical Physics Education Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13408

SU-C-SAN1 Joint Council Symposium: Quality in Medical Physics
How Can Administrators Judge the Quality of Medical PhysicsPresented by Habib Tannir, MD Anderson Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.3 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 13409

SU-C-SAN1 Joint Council Symposium: Quality in Medical Physics
Quality in Medical Physics From An Academic PerspectivePresented by Benedick Fraass, PhD Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.7 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 13410

SU-C-SAN1 Joint Council Symposium: Quality in Medical Physics
Quality in Medical Physics From a Global PerspectivePresented by Jatinder Palta, PhD Virginia Commonwealth University
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13411

SU-C-SAN1 Joint Council Symposium: Quality in Medical Physics
Q&APresented by Daniel Pavord, MS Allegheny General Hospital
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13412

SU-C-SAN1 Joint Council Symposium: Quality in Medical Physics Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13413

SU-D-SAN1 Professional Council Symposium: Finding the Most Valuable Use of Limited Time and Resources
The Utilization of Information Technology Re: Benchmark Data and Quality Improvement Tools with a Focus On AutomationPresented by Hua Li, PhD Carle Fundation Hospital
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13414

SU-D-SAN1 Professional Council Symposium: Finding the Most Valuable Use of Limited Time and Resources
Key Performance IndicatorsPresented by Ehsan Samei, PhD Duke University Medical Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13415

SU-D-SAN1 Professional Council Symposium: Finding the Most Valuable Use of Limited Time and Resources
Efficiency and Best Use of Resources From a Safety PerspectivePresented by Sandra Meyers, University of California, San Diego
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13416

SU-D-SAN1 Professional Council Symposium: Finding the Most Valuable Use of Limited Time and Resources
Q&APresented by Daniel Pavord, MS Allegheny General Hospital
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13417

SU-D-SAN1 Professional Council Symposium: Finding the Most Valuable Use of Limited Time and Resources Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13418

MO-A-302 Redesigning the Planner and Physicist Roles in the Era of Automated Planning
IntroductionPresented by Kevin Moore, UC San Diego
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13510

MO-A-302 Redesigning the Planner and Physicist Roles in the Era of Automated Planning
Automated Planning and the Role of the PhysicistPresented by Kevin Moore, UC San Diego
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13511

MO-A-302 Redesigning the Planner and Physicist Roles in the Era of Automated Planning
Streamlining Treatment Design Processes and the Role of the PlannerPresented by Todd Atwood, PhD University of California, San Diego
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.7 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 13512

MO-A-302 Redesigning the Planner and Physicist Roles in the Era of Automated Planning
Managing Change in RadiotherapyPresented by Sasa Mutic, PhD Washington University School of Medicine
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13513

MO-A-302 Redesigning the Planner and Physicist Roles in the Era of Automated Planning Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13515

MO-AB-221CD ISMRM - AAPM Joint Symposia: MR Safety Foundations
MR Safety FundamentalsPresented by David Jordan, PhD University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 13438

MO-AB-221CD ISMRM - AAPM Joint Symposia: MR Safety Foundations
Siting and Facility DesignPresented by Tobias Gilk, RAD-Planning/Gilk RAdiology Consultants
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13439

MO-AB-221CD ISMRM - AAPM Joint Symposia: MR Safety Foundations
Significant Standards Related to MR SafetyPresented by Michael Steckner, PhD Canon Medical Research USA, Inc.
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13440

MO-AB-221CD ISMRM - AAPM Joint Symposia: MR Safety Foundations
Active Implantable Medical Device (AIMD) Interactions with MRI: Modeling to Demonstrate SafetyPresented by Jonathan Edmonson, Medtronic, Inc
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13441

MO-AB-221CD ISMRM - AAPM Joint Symposia: MR Safety Foundations
Implications of MR Acoustic Noise for Patients and WorkersPresented by Michael Steckner, PhD Canon Medical Research USA, Inc.
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13442

MO-AB-221CD ISMRM - AAPM Joint Symposia: MR Safety Foundations Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13443

MO-AB-225BCD Joint AAPM-SNMMI Symposium: Nuclear Medicine Theranostics and Functional Image-Guided Radiation Therapy for Precision Oncology
Functional Image-Guided Thoracic and Hepatic Radiation Therapy: Synergies Between Nuclear Medicine and Radiation OncologyPresented by Stephen Bowen, PhD University of Washington, School of Medicine
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13423

MO-AB-225BCD Joint AAPM-SNMMI Symposium: Nuclear Medicine Theranostics and Functional Image-Guided Radiation Therapy for Precision Oncology
Image-Guided 90Y Radionuclide Treatment Planning, Delivery, and Verification for Hepatic CancersPresented by Srinivas Cheenu Kappadath, PhD UT MD Anderson Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 13424

MO-AB-225BCD Joint AAPM-SNMMI Symposium: Nuclear Medicine Theranostics and Functional Image-Guided Radiation Therapy for Precision Oncology
Advances in Nuclear Medicine TheranosticsPresented by John Laurence Humm, PhD Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13425

MO-AB-225BCD Joint AAPM-SNMMI Symposium: Nuclear Medicine Theranostics and Functional Image-Guided Radiation Therapy for Precision Oncology
Theranostic Imaging and Functional Image-Guided Head-And-Neck Radiation TherapyPresented by Soren Bentzen, University of Maryland
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13426

MO-AB-225BCD Joint AAPM-SNMMI Symposium: Nuclear Medicine Theranostics and Functional Image-Guided Radiation Therapy for Precision Oncology
Functional Image-Guided Intracranial Radiation TherapyPresented by Deanna Pafundi, PhD Mayo Clinic
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13427

MO-AB-225BCD Joint AAPM-SNMMI Symposium: Nuclear Medicine Theranostics and Functional Image-Guided Radiation Therapy for Precision Oncology Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13428

MO-AB-301 International Symposium: Certification of Medical Physicists Worldwide
Introduction: Goal and Learning objectives of the SymposiumPresented by Caridad Borras, DSc
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13534

MO-AB-301 International Symposium: Certification of Medical Physicists Worldwide
Medical physics certification in the United States and CanadaPresented by Eugene Lief, PhD VA Medical Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13535

MO-AB-301 International Symposium: Certification of Medical Physicists Worldwide
Medical Physics certification in AsiaPresented by Kwan Hoong Ng, PhD University of Malaya
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13536

MO-AB-301 International Symposium: Certification of Medical Physicists Worldwide
Medical Physics certification in AfricaPresented by Deborah van der Merwe, PhD International Atomic Energy Agency
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13537

MO-AB-301 International Symposium: Certification of Medical Physicists Worldwide
Medical Physics certification in Latin AmericaPresented by Paulo Costa, PhD Universidade de Sao Paulo
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.3 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 13538

MO-AB-301 International Symposium: Certification of Medical Physicists Worldwide
Medical physics certification in EuropePresented by Caridad Borras, DSc
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13539

MO-AB-301 International Symposium: Certification of Medical Physicists Worldwide
The International Medical Physics Certification Board (IMPCB): Goals and achievementsPresented by Colin Orton, PhD Wayne State University
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13540

MO-AB-301 International Symposium: Certification of Medical Physicists Worldwide Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13542

MO-AB-303 Advances in Ultrasound Guidance and Planning for Brachytherapy
Ultrasound: A Modality of Choice for Real-Time Guidance and Planning in BrachytherapyPresented by Luc Beaulieu, PhD Centre Hospitalier Univ de Quebec
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.3 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 13543

MO-AB-303 Advances in Ultrasound Guidance and Planning for Brachytherapy
3-Dimensional Ultrasound for Prostate, GYN and Breast BrachytherapyPresented by Aaron Fenster, PhD Robarts Research Institute
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.9 (higher is better), with 8 responding
VLID: 13544

MO-AB-303 Advances in Ultrasound Guidance and Planning for Brachytherapy
Practical US Guidance of GYN Implants with Real-Time DopplerPresented by William Bice, PhD John Muir Medical Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.3 (higher is better), with 7 responding
VLID: 13545

MO-AB-303 Advances in Ultrasound Guidance and Planning for Brachytherapy Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 13546

MO-AB-304 Scripting Applications in Clinic, That is an Easy Button
Scripting Applications in Clinic, That Is An Easy ButtonPresented by Chengyu Shi, PhD Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 13492

MO-AB-304 Scripting Applications in Clinic, That is an Easy Button
Scripting Applications in Photon/Proton Clinics and Clinical TrialsPresented by Taoran Li, PhD University of Pennsylvania
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.6 (higher is better), with 5 responding
VLID: 13493

MO-AB-304 Scripting Applications in Clinic, That is an Easy Button
Practical Scripting in MIM and PinnaclePresented by Bingqi Guo, PhD The Cleveland Clinic Foundation
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13494

MO-AB-304 Scripting Applications in Clinic, That is an Easy Button
Increasing Efficiency and Quality in External Beam Treatment Planning Through Automation and ScriptingPresented by Sean Berry, PhD Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13495

MO-AB-304 Scripting Applications in Clinic, That is an Easy Button Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13496

MO-AB-SAN2 AI for Predicting Response
AI for Predicting Treatment OutcomesPresented by Jayashree Kalpathy-Cramer, Massachusetts General Hospital
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.6 (higher is better), with 5 responding
VLID: 13460

MO-AB-SAN2 AI for Predicting Response
Radiomics and Machine Learning in Predicting Response From Medical ImagingPresented by Maryellen Giger, PhD University of Chicago
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.3 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 13461

MO-AB-SAN2 AI for Predicting Response
Quantitative Imaging Response Metrics for Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic CancersPresented by Eugene Koay, MD Anderson
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.3 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 13462

MO-AB-SAN2 AI for Predicting Response
Spearhead Clinically Relevant Radiologic Biomarker Discovery in Precision Oncology with Habitat ImagingPresented by Jia Wu, Stanford University
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.3 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 13463

MO-AB-SAN2 AI for Predicting Response Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 13464

MO-A-SAN4 Are you Prepared for Cybersecurity? What Industry is Planning and How You Can Manage It.
DICOM Efforts to Improve CyberSecurityPresented by Lawrence Tarbox, PhD University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.1 (higher is better), with 8 responding
VLID: 13469

MO-A-SAN4 Are you Prepared for Cybersecurity? What Industry is Planning and How You Can Manage It.
Industry Efforts to Improve CyberSecurityPresented by David Ackerson, Varian Medical Systems
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 11 responding
VLID: 13470

MO-A-SAN4 Are you Prepared for Cybersecurity? What Industry is Planning and How You Can Manage It.
Coping with CyberSecurity: What Can the Clinical Physicist Do?Presented by Rishabh Kapoor, MS VCU Health System
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.7 (higher is better), with 9 responding
VLID: 13471

MO-A-SAN4 Are you Prepared for Cybersecurity? What Industry is Planning and How You Can Manage It. Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.2 (higher is better), with 6 responding
VLID: 13472

MO-B-302 MPPG Initiative: Implementation Experience and New Reports
IntroductionPresented by Brent Parker, PhD The Univeristy of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.4 (higher is better), with 5 responding
VLID: 13516

MO-B-302 MPPG Initiative: Implementation Experience and New Reports
Medical Physics Extenders: MPPG#7Presented by J. Anthony Seibert, PhD UC Davis Medical Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.7 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 13517

MO-B-302 MPPG Initiative: Implementation Experience and New Reports
Scope of Practice for Clinical Medical Physics: MPPG#10Presented by Jessica Clements, MS Kaiser Permanente
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 13518

MO-B-302 MPPG Initiative: Implementation Experience and New Reports Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13520

MO-B-SAN4 Learning from the Experts: Lessons Medical Physicists Can Learn from Management Science
NegotiationPresented by Alonso Gutierrez, PhD Miami Cancer Institute
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13465

MO-B-SAN4 Learning from the Experts: Lessons Medical Physicists Can Learn from Management Science
TeamsPresented by Sonja Dieterich, PhD UC Davis Medical Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.8 (higher is better), with 5 responding
VLID: 13466

MO-B-SAN4 Learning from the Experts: Lessons Medical Physicists Can Learn from Management Science
Effective Delegation SkillsPresented by Jennifer Lynn Johnson, PhD Kelsey-Seybold Clinic
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.9 (higher is better), with 7 responding
VLID: 13467

MO-B-SAN4 Learning from the Experts: Lessons Medical Physicists Can Learn from Management Science Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13468

MO-D-Theatre President's Symposium: Building Bridges
WelcomePresented by Cynthia McCollough, PhD Mayo Clinic
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13550

MO-D-Theatre President's Symposium: Building Bridges
RSNA President, RemarksPresented by Valerie Jackson, MD The American Board of Radiology
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13551

MO-D-Theatre President's Symposium: Building Bridges
Is Everyone at Your Table?Presented by Cynthia McCollough, PhD Mayo Clinic
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 13552

MO-D-Theatre President's Symposium: Building Bridges
The Power of a Multigenerational TeamPresented by Amy Lynch, Generational Edge Bottom Line Conversations, LLC
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 5 responding
VLID: 13553

MO-D-Theatre President's Symposium: Building Bridges Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13554

MO-GH-221AB Computed Tomography-guided Interventional Procedures
IntroductionPresented by Kai Yang, PhD Massachusetts General Hospital
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 5 responding
VLID: 13444

MO-GH-221AB Computed Tomography-guided Interventional Procedures
CT Guided Interventional ProceduresPresented by Florian Fintelmann, Massachusetts General Hospital
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13445

MO-GH-221AB Computed Tomography-guided Interventional Procedures
Best Practices for CT Guided Interventional ProceduresPresented by Aaron Jones, PhD UT MD Anderson Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.8 (higher is better), with 5 responding
VLID: 13446

MO-GH-221AB Computed Tomography-guided Interventional Procedures
Radiation Dose Considerations in CT Guided Interventional ProceduresPresented by Shuai Leng, PhD Mayo Clinic
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 13447

MO-GH-221AB Computed Tomography-guided Interventional Procedures
Procedure Complexity and Utilization Distributions for Interventional CTPresented by Kai Yang, PhD Massachusetts General Hospital
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13448

MO-GH-221AB Computed Tomography-guided Interventional Procedures Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13449

MO-GH-221CD From Breast Cancer Screening to Stereotactic Biopsy: A Technological, Clinical, and Patient Perspective
Historical Overview and Physics of Breast ImagingPresented by Martin Yaffe, PhD Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 13451

MO-GH-221CD From Breast Cancer Screening to Stereotactic Biopsy: A Technological, Clinical, and Patient Perspective
Breast Imaging Modalities in Clinical Practice ( a Radiologist's Perspective)Â Presented by Dana Ataya, Moffitt Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 5 responding
VLID: 13452

MO-GH-221CD From Breast Cancer Screening to Stereotactic Biopsy: A Technological, Clinical, and Patient Perspective
Bridging the Gap Between Patient and PhysicistPresented by Rebecca Marsh, PhD University of Colorado School of Medicine
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.6 (higher is better), with 10 responding
VLID: 13453

MO-GH-221CD From Breast Cancer Screening to Stereotactic Biopsy: A Technological, Clinical, and Patient Perspective Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13454

MO-GH-302 How International Actions Interface and Support Med Phys 3.0
IntroductionPresented by Kalpana Kanal, PhD Univ Washington
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13521

MO-GH-302 How International Actions Interface and Support Med Phys 3.0
Introduction to the Med Phys 3.0 InitiativePresented by Ehsan Samei, PhD Duke University Medical Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13522

MO-GH-302 How International Actions Interface and Support Med Phys 3.0
European Actions Beyond the European DirectivePresented by Virginia Tsapaki, PhD Konstantopoulio General Hospital
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13523

MO-GH-302 How International Actions Interface and Support Med Phys 3.0
Activities in the Asia Pacific Region. Where Are We?Presented by Kwan Hoong Ng, PhD University of Malaya
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13524

MO-GH-302 How International Actions Interface and Support Med Phys 3.0
How IOMP Can Help in Global Adoption and Propagation of Qualitative Change in Medical PhysicsPresented by Madan Rehani, PhD Massachusetts General Hospital
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13525

MO-GH-302 How International Actions Interface and Support Med Phys 3.0 Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13527

MO-GH-304 Automation and Scripting in the Clinic
Automation in the Clinic: Where to Begin?Presented by Alan Nelson, Radformation
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 10 responding
VLID: 13497

MO-GH-304 Automation and Scripting in the Clinic
Automation for Reliable and Thorough Weekly Chart ChecksPresented by Jameson Baker, PhD Northwell Health
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.5 (higher is better), with 14 responding
VLID: 13498

MO-GH-304 Automation and Scripting in the Clinic
Automation in Machine QAPresented by Jonathan Rogers, MS Atrium Health
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.1 (higher is better), with 12 responding
VLID: 13499

MO-GH-304 Automation and Scripting in the Clinic
The Clinic of the Future: Automation in Treatment PlanningPresented by Charles Mayo, PhD University of Michigan
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.6 (higher is better), with 7 responding
VLID: 13500

MO-GH-304 Automation and Scripting in the Clinic
Bringing Automation to Proton ClinicsPresented by Chang Chang, PhD California Protons Cancer Therapy Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.3 (higher is better), with 9 responding
VLID: 13501

MO-GH-304 Automation and Scripting in the Clinic
Data Driven Automation and Practice Quality EvaluationPresented by Todd McNutt, PhD Johns Hopkins University
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 13502

MO-G-SAN1 Contemporary Pediatric Radiation Therapy: Perspectives from Children's Oncology Group
Pediatric Radiation Oncology in the 21st CenturyPresented by John Breneman, University of Cincinnati
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13477

MO-G-SAN1 Contemporary Pediatric Radiation Therapy: Perspectives from Children's Oncology Group
Classic and Modern Techniques of Total Body Irradiation and Craniospinal IrradiationPresented by Prema Rassiah-Szegedi, PhD University of Utah
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 5 responding
VLID: 13478

MO-G-SAN1 Contemporary Pediatric Radiation Therapy: Perspectives from Children's Oncology Group
Advances in Treatment Planning and Applications to Pediatric RadiotherapyPresented by Mahesh Gopalakrishnan, MS Northwestern Memorial Hospital
This presentation has an average satisfaction 1.5 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13479

MO-G-SAN4 Strategies and Technologies for Radiosurgery of Multiple Intracranial Metastases
Treatment Approach of Multi-Metastases Radiosurgery: A Clinician's PerspectivePresented by Michael Milano, University of Rochester Medical Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.9 (higher is better), with 9 responding
VLID: 13481

MO-G-SAN4 Strategies and Technologies for Radiosurgery of Multiple Intracranial Metastases
Single Isocenter Treatment Technique for Multiple Cranial Targets - Multiple Metastases ElementPresented by Nzhde Agazaryan, PhD UCLA School of Medicine
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 13482

MO-G-SAN4 Strategies and Technologies for Radiosurgery of Multiple Intracranial Metastases
Single Isocenter Treatment Technique for Multiple Cranial Targets - RapidArc and HyperArcPresented by Grace Gwe-Ya Kim, PhD University of California, San Diego
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.7 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 13483

MO-G-SAN4 Strategies and Technologies for Radiosurgery of Multiple Intracranial Metastases Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13484

MO-H-SAN1 Acquiring Treatment Planning Skills is Important for Medical Physicists
Treatment Planning Competencies and ResourcesPresented by Steven Sutlief, PhD Banner MD Anderson
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.7 (higher is better), with 47 responding
VLID: 13473

MO-H-SAN1 Acquiring Treatment Planning Skills is Important for Medical Physicists
Treatment Planning Skills That a Physicist Should KnowPresented by Zhibin Huang, PhD Saint Thomas Hospital
This presentation has an average satisfaction 2.7 (higher is better), with 49 responding
VLID: 13474

MO-H-SAN1 Acquiring Treatment Planning Skills is Important for Medical Physicists
How to Oversee Automated PlanningPresented by Ping Xia, PhD The Cleveland Clinic Foundation
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.1 (higher is better), with 32 responding
VLID: 13475

MO-H-SAN1 Acquiring Treatment Planning Skills is Important for Medical Physicists Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.3 (higher is better), with 22 responding
VLID: 13476

MO-H-SAN4 Current Challenges and Prospects in Particle Therapy
Existing Technology and New Horizons in Particle Therapy SystemsPresented by Jonathan Farr, DSc
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.7 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 13485

MO-H-SAN4 Current Challenges and Prospects in Particle Therapy
Opportunities and Challenges in Particle RadiotherapyPresented by Katia Parodi, PhD Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munchen
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.7 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 13486

MO-H-SAN4 Current Challenges and Prospects in Particle Therapy Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13487

MO-K-221AB Imaging of Tumor Response to Radiotherapy: New Results and Radiobiological Principles
Morphological Tumor Changes During a Course of Radiation Therapy - What We Are Learning From Improvements in Daily Image QualityPresented by John Bayouth, PhD University of Wisconsin
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13433

MO-K-221AB Imaging of Tumor Response to Radiotherapy: New Results and Radiobiological Principles
Serial 4DCT/4DPET Imaging to Predict and Monitor Response for Locally-Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Chemo-RadiotherapyPresented by Jean-Pierre Bissonnette, PhD The Princess Margaret Cancer Centre - UHN
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.3 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 13434

MO-K-221AB Imaging of Tumor Response to Radiotherapy: New Results and Radiobiological Principles
Radiobiological Principles Underlying Serial Imaging of Radiotherapy Tumor ResponsePresented by Joseph Deasy, PhD Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13435

MO-K-221AB Imaging of Tumor Response to Radiotherapy: New Results and Radiobiological Principles Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 13436

MO-K-221CD Novel Approaches to Dose Optimization in Nuclear Medicine
IntroductionPresented by Frederic Fahey, DSc Children's Hospital
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13455

MO-K-221CD Novel Approaches to Dose Optimization in Nuclear Medicine
Optimizing Pediatric Nuclear MedicinePresented by Frederic Fahey, DSc Children's Hospital
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13456

MO-K-221CD Novel Approaches to Dose Optimization in Nuclear Medicine
Dose Optimization in PET/CT and PET/MRPresented by Georges El Fakhri, PhD Massachusetts General Hospital
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13457

MO-K-221CD Novel Approaches to Dose Optimization in Nuclear Medicine
Application of Deep Learning in SPECTPresented by Michael King, PhD UMass Medical Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 13458

MO-K-225BCD Optimization in Imaging and Therapy
Iterative CBCTPresented by Adam Wang, PhD Stanford University
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.3 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 13429

MO-K-225BCD Optimization in Imaging and Therapy
Treatment Response Predictions for Adaptive Radiation Dose and Dose Fractionation PersonalizationPresented by Heiko Enderling, H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.5 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13430

MO-K-225BCD Optimization in Imaging and Therapy
Explore New Dimensions in VMATPresented by Ke Sheng, PhD UCLA School of Medicine
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 6 responding
VLID: 13431

MO-K-302 From Burnout to Engagement: The Outlook for Medical Physicist Wellness and Patient Safety
Health Systems and Employee Wellness: How and WhyPresented by Goutham Rao, University Hospitals & Case Western Reserve University
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13528

MO-K-302 From Burnout to Engagement: The Outlook for Medical Physicist Wellness and Patient Safety
One Physicist's Perspective On Burnout and WellnessPresented by Jennifer Lynn Johnson, PhD Kelsey-Seybold Clinic
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13529

MO-K-302 From Burnout to Engagement: The Outlook for Medical Physicist Wellness and Patient Safety
Risk of Burnout in a Changing EnvironmentPresented by Todd Pawlicki, PhD UC San Diego
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13530

MO-K-302 From Burnout to Engagement: The Outlook for Medical Physicist Wellness and Patient Safety
Medical Physicist Wellness: The AAPM Path ForwardPresented by David Jordan, PhD University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13531

MO-K-302 From Burnout to Engagement: The Outlook for Medical Physicist Wellness and Patient Safety Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13533

MO-K-303 Advances in Ultrasound Image Guided Radiotherapy
Real Time Transperineal Ultrasound Alignment and Monitoring for Prostate SBRTPresented by Bill Salter, PhD University of Utah
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.3 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 13547

MO-K-303 Advances in Ultrasound Image Guided Radiotherapy
Transperineal Ultrasound Image Guidance for Prostate Radiotherapy: Technology, Performance, Promise and ChallengesPresented by Dimitre Hristov, PhD Stanford University Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.3 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 13548

MO-K-304 Clinical Application of Frameless Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS)
Overview of Session and Speaker IntroductionPresented by Matthew Podgorsak, PhD Roswell Park Cancer Institute
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.9 (higher is better), with 12 responding
VLID: 13504

MO-K-304 Clinical Application of Frameless Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS)
Frameless SRS Using the Varian Linac PlatformPresented by Richard Popple, PhD Univ Alabama Birmingham
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 8 responding
VLID: 13505

MO-K-304 Clinical Application of Frameless Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS)
Frameless SRS Using the Elekta Linac PlatformPresented by Katharina Sixel, PhD R.S. McLaughlin Durham Reg Cancer Ctr
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.1 (higher is better), with 8 responding
VLID: 13506

MO-K-304 Clinical Application of Frameless Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS)
Frameless SRS Using CyberknifePresented by Jun Yang, PhD Alliance Imaging/Alliance Oncology
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.2 (higher is better), with 13 responding
VLID: 13507

MO-K-304 Clinical Application of Frameless Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS)
Frameless SRS Using the Elekta ICON PlatformPresented by Matthew Podgorsak, PhD Roswell Park Cancer Institute
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.4 (higher is better), with 14 responding
VLID: 13508

MO-K-SAN1 Advances in Proton and Particle Therapy
Advances in Ion Imaging and Range VerificationPresented by Katia Parodi, PhD Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munchen
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13419

MO-K-SAN1 Advances in Proton and Particle Therapy
Multi-Energy CT for Dose Calculation in Particle TherapyPresented by Arthur Lalonde, PhD CANADA
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13420

MO-K-SAN1 Advances in Proton and Particle Therapy
Spot-Scanning Proton Arc Therapy: From a Concept to RealityPresented by Xuanfeng Ding, PhD William Beaumont Hospital
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 13421

MO-K-SAN4 Introduction to Scientific Computing for Medical Physics Research
Utilizing Python in RayStation for Proton Therapy Efficiency and StandardizationPresented by Samantha Hedrick, PhD Provision Center for Proton Therapy
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.6 (higher is better), with 5 responding
VLID: 13488

MO-K-SAN4 Introduction to Scientific Computing for Medical Physics Research
Python Scripting in 3D SlicerPresented by Gregory Sharp, PhD Massachusetts General Hospital
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.4 (higher is better), with 5 responding
VLID: 13489

MO-K-SAN4 Introduction to Scientific Computing for Medical Physics Research
What Software Libraries Can You Use to Extract and Visualize DatasetsPresented by Eduard Schreibmann, Emory University
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.3 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 13490

TU-A-301 5D imaging and Treatment Planning for Radiation Therapy
Benefits and Challenges of the 5D-CT ProcessPresented by Daniel Low, PhD University of California, Los Angeles
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.7 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 13615

TU-A-301 5D imaging and Treatment Planning for Radiation Therapy
Development of 5D-MRI for Precision Radiation TherapyPresented by Jing Cai, PhD Hong Kong Polytechnic University
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.8 (higher is better), with 8 responding
VLID: 13616

TU-A-301 5D imaging and Treatment Planning for Radiation Therapy
Virtual Patient Guided Radiation Therapy (VPGRT) - 5D FrameworkPresented by Chengyu Shi, PhD Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.4 (higher is better), with 8 responding
VLID: 13617

TU-A-301 5D imaging and Treatment Planning for Radiation Therapy Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13618

TU-A-302 The Understanding and Courage to Lead - Part1
Exploring and Expressing EmpathyPresented by Anthony Cucolo, The University of Texas System
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13655

TU-A-302 The Understanding and Courage to Lead - Part1
Panel - Context StoryPresented by Anthony Cucolo, The University of Texas System
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 13656

TU-A-302 The Understanding and Courage to Lead - Part1
Panel - Context StoryPresented by Gene Cardarelli, PhD Rhode Island Hospital / Warren Alpert Medical
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.8 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 13657

TU-A-302 The Understanding and Courage to Lead - Part1
Panel - Context StoryPresented by Jacqueline Zoberi, PhD Washington University School of Medicine
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.6 (higher is better), with 10 responding
VLID: 13658

TU-A-302 The Understanding and Courage to Lead - Part1
Exercise and DiscussionPresented by Jennifer Lynn Johnson, PhD Kelsey-Seybold Clinic
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 13659

TU-AB-221CD ISMRM-AAPM Joint Symposia: MR Safety Operations
IntroductionPresented by R. Jason Stafford, PhD UT MD Anderson Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13588

TU-AB-221CD ISMRM-AAPM Joint Symposia: MR Safety Operations
MRSO: Roles and ResponsibilitiesPresented by Vera Kimbrell, Brigham and Women's Hospital
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13589

TU-AB-221CD ISMRM-AAPM Joint Symposia: MR Safety Operations
MRMD: Roles and ResponsibilitiesPresented by Hersh Chandarana, NYU
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13590

TU-AB-221CD ISMRM-AAPM Joint Symposia: MR Safety Operations
MRSE: Roles and ResponsibilitiesPresented by Heidi Edmonson, PhD Mayo Clinic
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13591

TU-AB-221CD ISMRM-AAPM Joint Symposia: MR Safety Operations
SMRT Activities related to MR SafetyPresented by Vera Kimbrell, Brigham and Women's Hospital
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13592

TU-AB-221CD ISMRM-AAPM Joint Symposia: MR Safety Operations
ISMRMÂ Activities related to MR SafetyPresented by Hersh Chandarana, NYU
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13593

TU-AB-221CD ISMRM-AAPM Joint Symposia: MR Safety Operations Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13594

TU-AB-303 Novel Aspects and Clinical Implementation of Focused Ultrasound
Image-Guided Ultrasound TherapyPresented by Steffen Sammet, MD University of Chicago
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13698

TU-AB-303 Novel Aspects and Clinical Implementation of Focused Ultrasound
MRgHIFU Hyperthermia and TDox Or Dox for PediatricsPresented by Rajiv Chopra, PhD UT Southwestern Medical Ctr at Dallas
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13699

TU-AB-303 Novel Aspects and Clinical Implementation of Focused Ultrasound
Image-Guided Histotripsy for Oncological and Cardiovascular ApplicationsPresented by Zhen Xu, University of Michigan
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13700

TU-AB-303 Novel Aspects and Clinical Implementation of Focused Ultrasound
Ultrasound-Mediated Drug Delivery to the Spinal Cord: Preclinical Findings and Clinical Scale AdvancesPresented by Meaghan O'Reilly, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13701

TU-AB-304 Communicating Benefit to Risk Ratio from Radiology Exams to the Patient and Provider
BEIR VII and its implications on risk - facts versus mythsPresented by Michael O'Connor, PhD Mayo Clinic
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.8 (higher is better), with 9 responding
VLID: 13640

TU-AB-304 Communicating Benefit to Risk Ratio from Radiology Exams to the Patient and Provider
Communicating benefit versus risk to patients and providersPresented by E. Russell Ritenour, PhD Medical University of South Carolina
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 13641

TU-AB-304 Communicating Benefit to Risk Ratio from Radiology Exams to the Patient and Provider
Communicating benefit versus risk to parents of pediatric patientsPresented by Samuel Brady, PhD Cincinnati Childrens Hospital Med Ctr
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.3 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 13642

TU-AB-304 Communicating Benefit to Risk Ratio from Radiology Exams to the Patient and Provider
Radiologist's perspective on communicating benefit versus riskPresented by Randolph Otto, Seattle Children's Hospital
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.0 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 13643

TU-AB-304 Communicating Benefit to Risk Ratio from Radiology Exams to the Patient and Provider Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.5 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13645

TU-A-SAN4 Surface Image Guided Radiotherapy
SGRT: Overview and New TrendsPresented by Alonso Gutierrez, PhD Miami Cancer Institute
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.2 (higher is better), with 10 responding
VLID: 13619

TU-A-SAN4 Surface Image Guided Radiotherapy
Improvements in Patient Setup and Treatment Efficiency Using SGRTPresented by Dennis Stanley, PhD The University of Alabama at Birmingham
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.7 (higher is better), with 15 responding
VLID: 13620

TU-A-SAN4 Surface Image Guided Radiotherapy
Lessons Learned and Implementation Challenges of a SGRT DIBH Breast ProgramPresented by Hania Al-Hallaq, PhD The University of Chicago
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.6 (higher is better), with 14 responding
VLID: 13621

TU-A-SAN4 Surface Image Guided Radiotherapy
SGRT: Clinical Uses and Potential Future ApplicationsPresented by Ryan Foster, PhD Atrium Health/LCI NorthEast
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.3 (higher is better), with 10 responding
VLID: 13622

TU-A-SAN4 Surface Image Guided Radiotherapy Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 13623

TU-B-301 In Memoriam of Jean St. Germain: The Intersection of Radiobiology, Radioepidemiology, and Safety
Memorial Symposia IntroductionPresented by Lawrence Rothenberg, PhD Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 5 responding
VLID: 13606

TU-B-301 In Memoriam of Jean St. Germain: The Intersection of Radiobiology, Radioepidemiology, and Safety
Radiobiology - Biological Effects, Therapeutic Ratio, and Hypofractionated RTPresented by Ellen Yorke, PhD Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 5 responding
VLID: 13607

TU-B-301 In Memoriam of Jean St. Germain: The Intersection of Radiobiology, Radioepidemiology, and Safety
Radioepidemiology - Genetics, Family History, and Environment - Update From the WECARE Breast Cancer Epidemiology StudyPresented by Jonine Bernstein, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.3 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 13608

TU-B-301 In Memoriam of Jean St. Germain: The Intersection of Radiobiology, Radioepidemiology, and Safety
Safety - Prevention of Errors in Radiation Oncology: Current Strengths and OpportunitiesPresented by Grace Gwe-Ya Kim, PhD University of California, San Diego
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.3 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 13609

TU-B-302 The Understanding and Courage to Lead - Part 2
Having Courage for the ChallengePresented by Anthony Cucolo, The University of Texas System
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13661

TU-B-302 The Understanding and Courage to Lead - Part 2
Panel - Context StoryPresented by Anthony Cucolo, The University of Texas System
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13662

TU-B-302 The Understanding and Courage to Lead - Part 2
Panel - Context StoryPresented by Laura Cervino, PhD UC San Diego
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13663

TU-B-302 The Understanding and Courage to Lead - Part 2
Panel - Context StoryPresented by David Jordan, PhD University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13664

TU-B-302 The Understanding and Courage to Lead - Part 2
Exercise and DiscussionPresented by Jennifer Lynn Johnson, PhD Kelsey-Seybold Clinic
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13665

TU-B-SAN4 Quality Improvement: from Incident Learning to Affecting Change
Introduction: Incident Learning to Affect ChangePresented by Eric Ford, PhD University of Washington
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13624

TU-B-SAN4 Quality Improvement: from Incident Learning to Affecting Change
Proton Therapy: Lessons LearnedPresented by Samantha Hedrick, PhD Provision Center for Proton Therapy
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.7 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 13625

TU-B-SAN4 Quality Improvement: from Incident Learning to Affecting Change
What Happens When Someone’s Challenge Becomes Everybody’s ChallengePresented by Zoubir Ouhib, MS Lynn Regional Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13626

TU-B-SAN4 Quality Improvement: from Incident Learning to Affecting Change
History Repeats Itself: RO-ILS and the Efforts to Change the FuturePresented by Suzanne Evans, MD Yale University
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.5 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13627

TU-E-221CD Radiation Protection for Fluoroscopically-guided Interventional Procedures: Patient Dose and Radiobiology
Dosimetric and Radiobiologic Challenges - A Case Report of a Fluoroscopically-Guided InterventionPresented by Kevin Wunderle, PhD Cleveland Clinic Foundation
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13595

TU-E-221CD Radiation Protection for Fluoroscopically-guided Interventional Procedures: Patient Dose and Radiobiology
Comparative Radiobiology of Fluoroscopically-Guided Interventions and EBRTPresented by Robert Stewart, PhD University of Washington
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13596

TU-E-221CD Radiation Protection for Fluoroscopically-guided Interventional Procedures: Patient Dose and Radiobiology
Case Report Revisited - Future Directions and OpportunitiesPresented by Kevin Wunderle, PhD Cleveland Clinic Foundation
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13597

TU-E-221CD Radiation Protection for Fluoroscopically-guided Interventional Procedures: Patient Dose and Radiobiology Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13598

TU-E-225BCD NIH Grant Writing Workshop
Update On Funding Opportunities at the NIHPresented by Keyvan Farahani, PhD National Cancer Institute
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13580

TU-E-225BCD NIH Grant Writing Workshop
Update On Funding Opportunities at the NIHPresented by Ceferino Obcemea, PhD NIH/NCI/RRP
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13581

TU-E-225BCD NIH Grant Writing Workshop
Academic-Industrial Partnership Initiative - Programmatic Goals, Grantsmanship, Participating Institutes, and Programmatic Track RecordPresented by Houston Baker, National Cancer Institute
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13582

TU-E-225BCD NIH Grant Writing Workshop
Case Study: Developing a Successful AIP Application and Maintaining a Successful Collaboration - Academic PerspectivePresented by John Wong, PhD Johns Hopkins University
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13583

TU-E-225BCD NIH Grant Writing Workshop
Case Study: Developing a Successful AIP Application and Maintaining a Successful Collaboration - Industrial Perspective - Part 1Presented by Kevin Brown, Elekta Oncology Systems LTD
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13584

TU-E-225BCD NIH Grant Writing Workshop Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13587

TU-E-301 In Memoriam of Peter Dunscombe: Celebrating the Life and Accomplishments of Peter Dunscombe, PhD, FAAPM - A Tireless Champion of Quality of Care and Patient Safety
Peter Dunscombe: A Transformational Leader of Safety and QualityPresented by M. Saiful Huq, PhD UPMC Hillman Cancer Center and University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13667

TU-E-301 In Memoriam of Peter Dunscombe: Celebrating the Life and Accomplishments of Peter Dunscombe, PhD, FAAPM - A Tireless Champion of Quality of Care and Patient Safety
TG100 and the Report That Almost Never HappenedPresented by Bruce Thomadsen, PhD University of Wisconsin
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13668

TU-E-301 In Memoriam of Peter Dunscombe: Celebrating the Life and Accomplishments of Peter Dunscombe, PhD, FAAPM - A Tireless Champion of Quality of Care and Patient Safety
Peter's Enduring Impact On Quality Management in Radiation OncologyPresented by Per Halvorsen, MS Lahey Health and Medical Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13669

TU-E-301 In Memoriam of Peter Dunscombe: Celebrating the Life and Accomplishments of Peter Dunscombe, PhD, FAAPM - A Tireless Champion of Quality of Care and Patient Safety Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13670

TU-E-302 Assessment of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Challenges and Strengths in the Medical Physics Field
Equity, Diversity, and Dnclusion Initiatives Within the AAPMPresented by Laura Cervino, PhD UC San Diego
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.0 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 13671

TU-E-302 Assessment of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Challenges and Strengths in the Medical Physics Field
Successful Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion StrategiesPresented by Julianne Pollard-Larkin, PhD MD Anderson Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.0 (higher is better), with 6 responding
VLID: 13672

TU-E-303 Carson-Zagzebski Distinguished Lectureship on Medical Ultrasound
IntroductionPresented by Chris John Diederich, PhD UC San Francisco
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13703

TU-E-303 Carson-Zagzebski Distinguished Lectureship on Medical Ultrasound
New frontiers in therapeutic ultrasound: transfection and immune modulationPresented by Kathy Ferrara, Stanford Univ
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13705

TU-E-303 Carson-Zagzebski Distinguished Lectureship on Medical Ultrasound Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13706

TU-E-304 Medical Physics Life Hacks
New for 2019? An Interactive Session for Attendees to Share Their Best, Most Creative Tips, Tricks, Shortcuts, and Life-Hacks in Medical PhysicsPresented by Tyler Fisher, MS Therapy Physics, Inc.
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13652

TU-E-304 Medical Physics Life Hacks
Tips and Tricks: Finding the Easy ButtonPresented by Robin Miller, MS Northwest Medical Physics Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13653

TU-E-SAN4 The integration of AI and Machine Learning in Medical Physics Applications
Appropriate Use of Machine Learning in MedicinePresented by Vasant Kearney, PhD University of California San Francisco
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13611

TU-E-SAN4 The integration of AI and Machine Learning in Medical Physics Applications
Machine Learning in Radiotherapy QAPresented by Maria Chan, PhD Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 13612

TU-E-SAN4 The integration of AI and Machine Learning in Medical Physics Applications
AI and Machine Learning for Treatment Planning and Image SegmentationPresented by Carlos Cardenas, MS University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 13613

TU-E-SAN4 The integration of AI and Machine Learning in Medical Physics Applications Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13614

TU-H-302 The Understanding and Courage to Lead - Part 3
Daring Greatly in the FieldPresented by Anthony Cucolo, The University of Texas System
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13675

TU-H-302 The Understanding and Courage to Lead - Part 3
Panel - Context StoryPresented by Anthony Cucolo, The University of Texas System
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13676

TU-H-302 The Understanding and Courage to Lead - Part 3
Panel - Context StoryPresented by Carri Glide-Hurst, PhD Henry Ford Health System
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13677

TU-H-302 The Understanding and Courage to Lead - Part 3
Panel - Context StoryPresented by Todd Atwood, PhD University of California, San Diego
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13678

TU-H-302 The Understanding and Courage to Lead - Part 3
Exercise and DiscussionPresented by Jennifer Lynn Johnson, PhD Kelsey-Seybold Clinic
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13679

TU-H-302 The Understanding and Courage to Lead - Part 3 Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13680

TU-HI-221AB Biomedical Modeling Using Imaging Data
Computational Models of Cardiac ArrhythmiaPresented by Patrick Boyle, University of Washington
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13571

TU-HI-221AB Biomedical Modeling Using Imaging Data
Modeling Shape as a Biological VariablePresented by Daniel Tward, The Johns Hopkins University
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13572

TU-HI-221AB Biomedical Modeling Using Imaging Data
Image-Based Modeling in Orthopedics: From Joint Kinematics to Bone QualityPresented by David Holdsworth, John P. Robarts Research Instit.
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13573

TU-HI-221AB Biomedical Modeling Using Imaging Data
Modeling of Therapy Response in OncologyPresented by Clemens Grassberger, PhD Massachusetts General Hospital
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13574

TU-HI-221CD Patient Dose Monitoring in CT with Tube Current Modulation and Multiple Series
Dose Spread Functions in CTPresented by John Boone, PhD UC Davis Medical Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13600

TU-HI-221CD Patient Dose Monitoring in CT with Tube Current Modulation and Multiple Series
Dose Equations for TCM and Interpretation of Its Reported CTDIvolPresented by Robert Dixon, PhD Wake Forest Univ
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 13601

TU-HI-221CD Patient Dose Monitoring in CT with Tube Current Modulation and Multiple Series
Implication/practice in CT Protocol Management: Tube Current Modulation and Multiple SeriesPresented by Baojun Li, PhD Boston University Medical Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13602

TU-HI-221CD Patient Dose Monitoring in CT with Tube Current Modulation and Multiple Series
Data Driven CT Dose Monitoring and Protocol ManagementPresented by Da Zhang, PhD Harvard, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13603

TU-HI-221CD Patient Dose Monitoring in CT with Tube Current Modulation and Multiple Series
Exam-Level Dose Monitoring in CT: Quality Metric Consideration for Multiple Series AcquisitionsPresented by Xinhua Li, PhD Massachusetts General Hospital
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13604

TU-HI-221CD Patient Dose Monitoring in CT with Tube Current Modulation and Multiple Series Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 1.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13605

TU-HI-225BCD WMIS/AAPM Joint Symposium: Nanotechnology
Radiodynamic Therapy of Cancer Through NanotechnologPresented by Shawn Chen, NIH
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13694

TU-HI-225BCD WMIS/AAPM Joint Symposium: Nanotechnology
Development of a Cancer Immune Therapy with Iron Oxide NanoparticlesPresented by Robert Ivkov, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13695

TU-HI-301 MR guided RT: Treating with On-board MRI
Introduction of MR Guided Radiation Therapy (MRgRT): The What, How and WhyPresented by X. Allen Li, PhD Medical College of Wisconsin
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13629

TU-HI-301 MR guided RT: Treating with On-board MRI
Starting An MRgRT Program: Installation, Safety Considerations and CommissioningPresented by Olga Green, PhD Washington University School of Medicine
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13630

TU-HI-301 MR guided RT: Treating with On-board MRI
Working with An MRgRT Program: Online ART, Motion Management with CINE MRI and Special QAsPresented by Bas Raaymakers, University Medical Center Utrecht
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13631

TU-HI-301 MR guided RT: Treating with On-board MRI
Advancing An MRgRT Program: Introduction of MR Pulse Sequence Development and Potentials of On-Board MRIPresented by Yingli Yang, PhD UCLA
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13632

TU-HI-303 Advances in Image-Guided Focused Ultrasound Applications
Motion Management and Adaptive Control for Treating Abdominal TumorsPresented by Baudouin Denis de Senneville, Universite de Bordeaux
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13707

TU-HI-303 Advances in Image-Guided Focused Ultrasound Applications
Volumetric Real-Time Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Breast Focused Ultrasound TreatmentsPresented by Allison Payne, Univ of Utah Hospitals
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13708

TU-HI-303 Advances in Image-Guided Focused Ultrasound Applications
High Speed Ultrasound Imaging for Targeting and Monitoring Trans Oesophageal HIFU During Cardiac ProceduresPresented by Cyril Lafon, INSERM U281
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13709

TU-HI-303 Advances in Image-Guided Focused Ultrasound Applications
Focused Ultrasound-Mediated Intranasal Drug Delivery to the BrainPresented by Hong Chen, Washington University in St.Louis
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13710

TU-HI-304 ACR Updates
Introduction to ACR ActivitiesPresented by Dustin Gress, MS American College of Radiology
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 13646

TU-HI-304 ACR Updates
2018 DIgital Mammography QC ManualPresented by Eric Berns, PhD University of Colorado Health Science
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 13647

TU-HI-304 ACR Updates
CT Accreditation ProgramPresented by Chad Dillon, MS Alliance Medical Physics
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13648

TU-HI-304 ACR Updates
DIR Fluoroscopy Pilot ProgramPresented by Aaron Jones, PhD UT MD Anderson Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.8 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 13649

TU-HI-304 ACR Updates Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13651

TU-I-302 The Understanding and Courage to Lead - Part 4
Selfless LeadershipPresented by Anthony Cucolo, The University of Texas System
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13681

TU-I-302 The Understanding and Courage to Lead - Part 4
Panel - Context StoryPresented by Anthony Cucolo, The University of Texas System
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13682

TU-I-302 The Understanding and Courage to Lead - Part 4
Panel - Context StoryPresented by James Goodwin, MS University of Vermont Medical Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13683

TU-I-302 The Understanding and Courage to Lead - Part 4
Panel - Context StoryPresented by Jennifer Lynn Johnson, PhD Kelsey-Seybold Clinic
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13684

TU-I-302 The Understanding and Courage to Lead - Part 4
Exercise and DiscussionPresented by Jennifer Lynn Johnson, PhD Kelsey-Seybold Clinic
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13685

TU-L-221AB Novel Imaging Methods
Novel Data Acquisition Methods in X-Ray Computed TomographyPresented by Joseph Stayman, PhD Johns Hopkins University
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13576

TU-L-221AB Novel Imaging Methods
Learning to See: Perceptual Learning for MRI ReconstructionPresented by Matthew Rosen, MGH/Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13577

TU-L-221AB Novel Imaging Methods
Listening to Cell Membrane Potential: A New Diagnostic and Interventional Ultrasound Imaging ApproachPresented by Emad Boctor, Johns Hopkins Department of Radiology
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13578

TU-L-221CD Session in Memory of Edward Nickoloff: Joint Commission Update: Satisfying the Joint Commission Fluoroscopy Requirements
Memorial TributePresented by Ajoy Dutta, MS Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13716

TU-L-221CD Session in Memory of Edward Nickoloff: Joint Commission Update: Satisfying the Joint Commission Fluoroscopy Requirements
Memorial TributePresented by Mahadevappa Mahesh, PhD Johns Hopkins Univ
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13717

TU-L-221CD Session in Memory of Edward Nickoloff: Joint Commission Update: Satisfying the Joint Commission Fluoroscopy Requirements
Satisfying the Joint Commission Fluoroscopy RequirementsPresented by Andrea D'Andrea Browne, PhD The Joint Commission
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13719

TU-L-301 History Symposium: Physics and Technology of Mammography and Fluoroscopy: A Historical Perspective
Introduction and Medical Physics History Project OverviewPresented by Perry Sprawls, PhD Sprawls Educational Foundation
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13721

TU-L-301 History Symposium: Physics and Technology of Mammography and Fluoroscopy: A Historical Perspective
Innovations and Evolution of the Physics and Technology for MammographyPresented by Perry Sprawls, PhD Sprawls Educational Foundation
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13722

TU-L-301 History Symposium: Physics and Technology of Mammography and Fluoroscopy: A Historical Perspective
Physics and Physiology: The Drivers of Fluoroscopic Technology From 1895 to 2019Presented by Stephen Balter, PhD Columbia University Medical Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13723

TU-L-302 New Member Symposium: Becoming Employed and Involved in Medical Physics
Interactive ProgramPresented by Amirh Johnson, MS Kaiser Permanente
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13687

TU-L-302 New Member Symposium: Becoming Employed and Involved in Medical Physics
AAPM Organization, Resources and OpportunitiesPresented by Cynthia McCollough, PhD Mayo Clinic
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13688

TU-L-302 New Member Symposium: Becoming Employed and Involved in Medical Physics
Career Services Website and Its Many ResourcesPresented by Karl Rasmussen, PhD University of Texas HSC SA
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13689

TU-L-302 New Member Symposium: Becoming Employed and Involved in Medical Physics
Introduction to the Interactive ProgramPresented by Loretta Johnson, PhD UAB Medical Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13690

TU-L-302 New Member Symposium: Becoming Employed and Involved in Medical Physics
Interactive ProgramPresented by Loretta Johnson, PhD UAB Medical Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13691

TU-L-302 New Member Symposium: Becoming Employed and Involved in Medical Physics
Wrap Up and Drawing for a Upcoming Meeting RegistrationPresented by Loretta Johnson, PhD UAB Medical Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13692

TU-L-303 Focused Ultrasound in Radiation Oncology
Development of An MR-Guided HIFU-Based Pelvic Hyperthermia Program in a Radiation Oncology EnvironmentPresented by Michael Altman, PhD Washington University School of Medicine
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13712

TU-L-303 Focused Ultrasound in Radiation Oncology
Ultrasound-Stimulated Microbubble Enhancement of Radiation EffectPresented by Greg Czarnota, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13713

TU-L-303 Focused Ultrasound in Radiation Oncology
Therapeutic Ultrasound and Radiation Therapy Dose RelationshipsPresented by Sarah Brueningk, The Institute of Cancer Research
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13714

TU-L-SAN1 The Promise of FLASH
FLASH PhotonPresented by Julianne Pollard-Larkin, PhD MD Anderson Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.6 (higher is better), with 10 responding
VLID: 13563

TU-L-SAN1 The Promise of FLASH
FLASH ProtonsPresented by Lei Dong, PhD University of Pennsylvania
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.1 (higher is better), with 8 responding
VLID: 13564

TU-L-SAN1 The Promise of FLASH
Clinical/BiologyPresented by Billy Loo, MD Stanford University
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 9 responding
VLID: 13565

TU-L-SAN2 Integrating Radiomics and Genomics for Personalized Cancer Therapy in the Era of AI and Big Data
Multifaceted Radiomics Models for Treatment Outcome PredictionPresented by Jing Wang, PhD UT Southwestern Medical Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13567

TU-L-SAN2 Integrating Radiomics and Genomics for Personalized Cancer Therapy in the Era of AI and Big Data
Genetic Risk Modeling Using Machine Learning to Predict Radiotherapy Complications and Identify Key Biological CorrelatesPresented by Jung Hun Oh, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13568

TU-L-SAN2 Integrating Radiomics and Genomics for Personalized Cancer Therapy in the Era of AI and Big Data
Integrating Imaging and Molecular Biomarkers for Personalized Cancer TherapyPresented by Ruijiang Li, PhD Stanford University
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13569

TU-L-SAN4 Optimizing Safety and Efficiency in Brachytherapy
Incident Learning System in Brachytherapy: Evidence-Based Procedure ImprovementPresented by Christopher Deufel, PhD Mayo Clinic
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.4 (higher is better), with 5 responding
VLID: 13634

TU-L-SAN4 Optimizing Safety and Efficiency in Brachytherapy
The Role of in Vivo Dosimetry for Increase Safety and Efficiency in BrachytherapyPresented by Joanna Cygler, PhD The Ottawa Hospital Cancer Centre
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 13635

TU-L-SAN4 Optimizing Safety and Efficiency in Brachytherapy
Procedure Optimization From the Perspective of a Patient-Centric ProcessPresented by Dorin Todor, Virginia Commonwealth University
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13636

TU-L-SAN4 Optimizing Safety and Efficiency in Brachytherapy
Perspective From An Experienced Brachytherapy PhysicianPresented by Melissa Joyner, MD Anderson Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13637

TU-L-SAN4 Optimizing Safety and Efficiency in Brachytherapy Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13639

WE-A-302 Breaking Out of the Clinic: Non-Clinical Careers in Medical Physics
IntroductionPresented by Alison Roth, MS University of Wisconsin-Madison
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13846

WE-A-302 Breaking Out of the Clinic: Non-Clinical Careers in Medical Physics
Medical Physics and the MilitaryPresented by James Speitel, MS Naval Medical Center Portsmouth
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13847

WE-A-302 Breaking Out of the Clinic: Non-Clinical Careers in Medical Physics
Medical Physics Careers in International OrganizationsPresented by Caridad Borras, DSc
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13848

WE-A-302 Breaking Out of the Clinic: Non-Clinical Careers in Medical Physics
Medical Physics Careers in AcademiaPresented by Robert Jeraj, PhD University of Wisconsin-Madison
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.5 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13849

WE-A-302 Breaking Out of the Clinic: Non-Clinical Careers in Medical Physics Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13850

WE-AB-221CD ISMRM-AAPM Joint Symposia: MR Safety for Experts
IntroductionPresented by Heidi Edmonson, PhD Mayo Clinic
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13775

WE-AB-221CD ISMRM-AAPM Joint Symposia: MR Safety for Experts
Implanted Devices EvaluationPresented by Anshuman Panda, PhD Mayo Clinic, Arizona
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13776

WE-AB-221CD ISMRM-AAPM Joint Symposia: MR Safety for Experts
Interventional MR and Interventional Devices HeatingPresented by R. Jason Stafford, PhD UT MD Anderson Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13777

WE-AB-221CD ISMRM-AAPM Joint Symposia: MR Safety for Experts
MR Safety in Radiation Oncology ( and Lower Field Strenghts <1.5T)Presented by Carri Glide-Hurst, PhD Henry Ford Health System
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13778

WE-AB-221CD ISMRM-AAPM Joint Symposia: MR Safety for Experts
MR Safety in Higher Field Strenght ( 7T Above)Presented by Andrew Fagan, Mayo Clinic
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13779

WE-AB-221CD ISMRM-AAPM Joint Symposia: MR Safety for Experts
AAPM Activities Related to the MR SafetyPresented by R. Jason Stafford, PhD UT MD Anderson Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13780

WE-AB-221CD ISMRM-AAPM Joint Symposia: MR Safety for Experts Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13781

WE-AB-301 Cutting-edge Brachytherapy
Re-Inventing High-Dose-Rate Brachytherapy Around Ytterbium-169Presented by Ryan Flynn, PhD University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13725

WE-AB-301 Cutting-edge Brachytherapy
Image-Guided Catheter Placement for Prostate HDR Brachytherapy with Focal Tumor Boost Using Machine LearningPresented by Xiaofeng Yang, PhD Emory University
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13726

WE-AB-301 Cutting-edge Brachytherapy
Real-Time Electromagnetic Tracking in Clinical Brachytherapy PracticePresented by Luc Beaulieu, PhD Centre Hospitalier Univ de Quebec
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13727

WE-AB-301 Cutting-edge Brachytherapy
Standardization and Automation of HDR Brachytherapy Plan QA with Application Programming InterfacePresented by Jacqueline Zoberi, PhD Washington University School of Medicine
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13728

WE-AB-301 Cutting-edge Brachytherapy Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13729

WE-AB-304 Deformable Image Registration for Dose Mapping and Dose Accumulation: Techniques and Challenges
Deformable Image Registration in Radiation TherapyPresented by Kristy Brock, PhD UT MD Anderson Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13837

WE-AB-304 Deformable Image Registration for Dose Mapping and Dose Accumulation: Techniques and Challenges
Dose Mapping and Accumulation for Adaptive RadiotherapyPresented by Mihaela Rosu-Bubulac, PhD Virginia Commonwealth University
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13838

WE-AB-304 Deformable Image Registration for Dose Mapping and Dose Accumulation: Techniques and Challenges
Dose Mapping and Accumulation for HDR GYN ApplicationsPresented by Jamema Swamidas, Department of Medical Physics
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 13839

WE-AB-SAN1 Diagnostic Ultrasound QA/QC Hands-on Workshop
Diagnostic UltrasoundPresented by James Zagzebski, PhD University of Wisconsin
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 6 responding
VLID: 13887

WE-A-SAN2 The Science of Safety - From Brute Force QA to Focused Effort
A Systems Approach Using Data to Improve Safety and Quality in Radiation OncologyPresented by Sasa Mutic, PhD Washington University School of Medicine
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13771

WE-A-SAN2 The Science of Safety - From Brute Force QA to Focused Effort
Error Discovery in Radiotherapy Plan Verification: An Advanced Probabilistic ApproachPresented by Alan Kalet, PhD University of Washington
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13772

WE-A-SAN2 The Science of Safety - From Brute Force QA to Focused Effort
Risks and Benefits of Automation in RadiotherapyPresented by James Lamb, University of California, Los Angeles
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13773

WE-A-SAN2 The Science of Safety - From Brute Force QA to Focused Effort Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13774

WE-A-SAN4 Session in Memory of Karl Prado: Recent Advancements in Quality Assurance for Radiation Therapy
Memorial TributePresented by Julianne Pollard-Larkin, PhD MD Anderson Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13816

WE-A-SAN4 Session in Memory of Karl Prado: Recent Advancements in Quality Assurance for Radiation Therapy
Advances for Autonomous LINAC QAPresented by Yong Yang, PhD Stanford University Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13817

WE-A-SAN4 Session in Memory of Karl Prado: Recent Advancements in Quality Assurance for Radiation Therapy
QA automation with machine learningPresented by Deshan Yang, PhD Washington University in St Louis
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13818

WE-A-SAN4 Session in Memory of Karl Prado: Recent Advancements in Quality Assurance for Radiation Therapy
Social collaboration for QA protocol standardizationPresented by Rodney Wiersma, PhD The University of Chicago
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13819

WE-B-302 How will IEC Standards Updates Affect the Practice of Medical Physics?
Updates to IEC 62C Standards On Equipment for Radiotherapy, Nuclear Medicine and Radiation DosimetryPresented by Geoffrey Ibbott, PhD UT MD Anderson Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13851

WE-B-302 How will IEC Standards Updates Affect the Practice of Medical Physics?
Updates to IEC 62B and 87 Standards On Diagnostic Imaging Equipment and the FDA Transition to the Use of Some IEC StandardsPresented by Mark Supanich, PhD Rush
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13852

WE-B-302 How will IEC Standards Updates Affect the Practice of Medical Physics? Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13854

WE-B-SAN4 Recent Advances in Imaging for Treatment Verification
Surface Imaging for Treatment VerificationPresented by Laura Cervino, PhD UC San Diego
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.3 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 13821

WE-B-SAN4 Recent Advances in Imaging for Treatment Verification
On-Board CBCT for Treatment VerificationPresented by Jing Wang, PhD UT Southwestern Medical Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13822

WE-B-SAN4 Recent Advances in Imaging for Treatment Verification
On-Board MRI for Treatment VerificationPresented by Olga Green, PhD Washington University School of Medicine
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13823

WE-B-SAN4 Recent Advances in Imaging for Treatment Verification
Comparing In-Room Treatment Imaging Verification ModalitiesPresented by John Lewis, PhD UCLA School of Medicine
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13824

WE-B-SAN4 Recent Advances in Imaging for Treatment Verification Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13825

WE-F-302 Managing Conflicts of Interest: Building Trust and Improving Outcomes
IntroductionPresented by Jeffrey Limmer, MS Texas Oncology - Houston
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13855

WE-F-302 Managing Conflicts of Interest: Building Trust and Improving Outcomes
Exploration and Case Studies of Managing COI in Research and DevelopmentPresented by Michelle Svatos, PhD
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13856

WE-F-302 Managing Conflicts of Interest: Building Trust and Improving Outcomes
Exploration and Case Studies of Managing COI in Clinical SettingsPresented by K. Sunshine Osterman, PhD NYU Medical Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13857

WE-F-302 Managing Conflicts of Interest: Building Trust and Improving Outcomes Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13859

WE-FG-221AB Contrast-enhanced and Functional Imaging of the Breast
Contrast Enhanced MammographyPresented by John Lewin, The Women's Imaging Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13758

WE-FG-221AB Contrast-enhanced and Functional Imaging of the Breast
Quantitative Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Breast Tomosynthesis: How Do We Get There?Presented by Ioannis Sechopoulos, PhD Radboud University Medical Centre
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13759

WE-FG-221AB Contrast-enhanced and Functional Imaging of the Breast
Molecular Breast Imaging: Rogue Technology to Mainstream PracticePresented by Carrie Hruska, PhD Mayo Clinic
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13760

WE-FG-221CD CT Systems Course
IntroductionPresented by Baojun Li, PhD Boston University Medical Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13782

WE-FG-221CD CT Systems Course
Image Acquisition Physics and HardwarePresented by Baojun Li, PhD Boston University Medical Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13783

WE-FG-221CD CT Systems Course
Image Reconstruction and Artifact ReductionPresented by Jiang Hsieh, PhD GE Healthcare Technologies
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13784

WE-FG-221CD CT Systems Course
Image Quality, Dose, and Clinical ApplicationsPresented by Frank Dong, PhD The Cleveland Clinic
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13785

WE-FG-221CD CT Systems Course Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 13786

WE-FG-225BCD Advances in Image-Guided Interventions
Image Guidance, Registration, and Analytics for High-Precision Spine SurgeryPresented by Jeffrey Siewerdsen, PhD Johns Hopkins University
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13742

WE-FG-225BCD Advances in Image-Guided Interventions
Image-Guided Medical RoboticsPresented by Kevin Cleary, Children's National Medical Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13743

WE-FG-225BCD Advances in Image-Guided Interventions
Model-Augmented Image Guidance for Soft-Tissue SurgeriesPresented by Michael Miga, Vanderbilt
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13744

WE-FG-225BCD Advances in Image-Guided Interventions
Image Guidance in Head-And-Neck Surgery: State of the Art and Future OpportunitiesPresented by Joseph Paydarfar, Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13745

WE-FG-303 Advances in Ultrasound Imaging Technology
New Imaging Contrast Agents and Imaging Protocols in Contrast-Enhanced Background-Free Ultrasound and Photoacoustic ImagingPresented by Brooks Lindsey, Georgia Institute of Technology & Emory University School of Medicine
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13890

WE-FG-303 Advances in Ultrasound Imaging Technology
Image-Guided Radiation Therapy Based On X-Ray Induced Acoustic Computed TomographyPresented by Xueding Wang, University of Michigan
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13891

WE-FG-303 Advances in Ultrasound Imaging Technology
Theranostics with Radiation-Induced Ultrasound Emission (TRUE)Presented by Liangzhong Xiang, University of Oklahoma
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13892

WE-FG-SAN1 Functional Treatment Planning
Use of High-Resolution MR Spectroscopy for Glioblastoma Treatment PlanningPresented by Eduard Schreibmann, Emory University
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13736

WE-FG-SAN1 Functional Treatment Planning
Functional Liver Image Guided Hepatic Therapy (FLIGHT) with Hepatobiliary Iminodiacetic Acid (HIDA) ScansPresented by Ke Colin Huang, PhD Indiana University- School of Medicine
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13737

WE-FG-SAN1 Functional Treatment Planning
Functional Lung Avoidance with CT-VentilationPresented by Yevgeniy Vinogradskiy, PhD University of Colorado Denver
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13738

WE-FG-SAN1 Functional Treatment Planning
Considerations for Further Pulmonary Toxicity Reduction with 4DCT Derived Functional Avoidance Intensity Modulated Proton TherapyPresented by Jingjing Dougherty, PhD Mayo Clinic
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13739

WE-FG-SAN1 Functional Treatment Planning
Functional Imaging Quantitation for Radiation Therapy Planning in H&N CancerPresented by John Buatti, University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13740

WE-FG-SAN2 Medphys Slam
HostPresented by John Bayouth, PhD University of Wisconsin
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13747

WE-F-SAN4 EPID Machine QA Implementation and Automation, Are We There Yet?
Role of EPID in new linac commission and the SSIM concept for evaluationPresented by Chengyu Shi, PhD Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.5 (higher is better), with 6 responding
VLID: 13826

WE-F-SAN4 EPID Machine QA Implementation and Automation, Are We There Yet?
Improving MPC and aligning better with TG-142Presented by Michael Barnes
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 13827

WE-F-SAN4 EPID Machine QA Implementation and Automation, Are We There Yet?
Practical implementation of EPID-based QA for linacPresented by Baozhou Sun, Washington Univ. in St. Louis
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.8 (higher is better), with 6 responding
VLID: 13828

WE-F-SAN4 EPID Machine QA Implementation and Automation, Are We There Yet? Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.7 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 13829

WE-G-302 How to Successfully Interface with Vendors
IntroductionPresented by Erin Angel, PhD Canon Medical Systems
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13860

WE-G-302 How to Successfully Interface with Vendors
How to Successfully Interface with Vendors - Part 1Presented by Paul Naine, Elekta, Inc.
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13861

WE-G-302 How to Successfully Interface with Vendors
How to Successfully Interface with Vendors - Part 2Presented by Ajit Devaraj, Philips Research NA
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13862

WE-G-302 How to Successfully Interface with Vendors
...and How Not to Go to JailPresented by Matthew Wetzel, Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13863

WE-G-302 How to Successfully Interface with Vendors Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13865

WE-G-SAN4 Alternative Strategies for Linac Beam Verification or Beam Data Collection Without Using a 3D Water Tank
Linac beam data collection from 1-D to 3-DPresented by Nels Knutson, MS Washington University School of Medicine
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.8 (higher is better), with 6 responding
VLID: 13799

WE-G-SAN4 Alternative Strategies for Linac Beam Verification or Beam Data Collection Without Using a 3D Water Tank
Comissioning/verification of MRI-linacs with and without 3D tankPresented by Jochem Wolthaus, UMC Utrecht
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13800

WE-G-SAN4 Alternative Strategies for Linac Beam Verification or Beam Data Collection Without Using a 3D Water Tank
Techniques for linac beam verification using EPIDPresented by Michael Barnes, Calvary Mater Hospital Newcastle
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 13801

WE-G-SAN4 Alternative Strategies for Linac Beam Verification or Beam Data Collection Without Using a 3D Water Tank Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13802

WE-H-302 Getting Ready for the ABR's OLA (Online Longitudinal Assessment
IntroductionPresented by G. Donald Frey, PhD The American Board of Radiology
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13866

WE-H-302 Getting Ready for the ABR's OLA (Online Longitudinal Assessment
Getting Ready for the ABR's OLA (On-Line Longitudinal Assessment)Presented by G. Donald Frey, PhD The American Board of Radiology
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 6 responding
VLID: 13867

WE-H-302 Getting Ready for the ABR's OLA (Online Longitudinal Assessment
Getting Ready for the ABR's OLA (On-Line Longitudinal Assessment)Presented by Kalpana Kanal, PhD Univ Washington
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 5 responding
VLID: 13868

WE-H-302 Getting Ready for the ABR's OLA (Online Longitudinal Assessment
Q&APresented by G. Donald Frey, PhD The American Board of Radiology
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.6 (higher is better), with 5 responding
VLID: 13869

WE-H-302 Getting Ready for the ABR's OLA (Online Longitudinal Assessment Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.8 (higher is better), with 5 responding
VLID: 13870

WE-HI-221AB Adaptive Imaging
Patient Specific Adaption of Imaging Technique for MRIPresented by Timothy Szczykutowicz, PhD University Wisconsin-Madison
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13762

WE-HI-221AB Adaptive Imaging
Patient Specific Adaption of Imaging Technique for Nuc MedPresented by Scott Metzler, University of Pennsylvania
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13763

WE-HI-221AB Adaptive Imaging
Patient Specific Adaption of Imaging Technique for CTPresented by R. Jason Stafford, PhD UT MD Anderson Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13764

WE-HI-221AB Adaptive Imaging
Patient Specific Adaption of Imaging Technique for PETPresented by Mauro Namias, Fundacion Centro Diagnostico Nuclear
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13765

WE-HI-221CD In Memoriam of Libby Brateman: Education, Licensure, Guidance and Mammography- Enhancing the Recognition of the Medical Physics Profession
IntroductionPresented by Priscilla Butler, MS
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13787

WE-HI-221CD In Memoriam of Libby Brateman: Education, Licensure, Guidance and Mammography- Enhancing the Recognition of the Medical Physics Profession
Memorial Lecture - In Memory of Libby BratemanPresented by Marlene McKetty, PhD
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13788

WE-HI-221CD In Memoriam of Libby Brateman: Education, Licensure, Guidance and Mammography- Enhancing the Recognition of the Medical Physics Profession
Education and Mentoring of New Medical PhysicistsPresented by Stephanie Leon, PhD University of Florida
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.5 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13789

WE-HI-221CD In Memoriam of Libby Brateman: Education, Licensure, Guidance and Mammography- Enhancing the Recognition of the Medical Physics Profession
Medical Physcist Licensure - Past, Present and FuturePresented by Robert Pizzutiello, MS Instrument for Change, Inc.
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13790

WE-HI-221CD In Memoriam of Libby Brateman: Education, Licensure, Guidance and Mammography- Enhancing the Recognition of the Medical Physics Profession
Guidance and Regulation Impact On Medical PhysicsPresented by Debbie Gilley, MPA IAEA
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13791

WE-HI-221CD In Memoriam of Libby Brateman: Education, Licensure, Guidance and Mammography- Enhancing the Recognition of the Medical Physics Profession
Quality and Safety in MammographyPresented by Priscilla Butler, MS
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.5 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13792

WE-HI-221CD In Memoriam of Libby Brateman: Education, Licensure, Guidance and Mammography- Enhancing the Recognition of the Medical Physics Profession Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13793

WE-HI-225BCD NIH Investigator Scientific Highlights
R01 CA204189 Development of Anatomical Patient Models to Facilitate MR-only Treatment PlanningPresented by Carri Glide-Hurst, PhD Henry Ford Health System
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13909

WE-HI-225BCD NIH Investigator Scientific Highlights
R01 CA204189 Automated Image Analysis for Prevention of Radiotherapy Delivery ErrorsPresented by James Lamb, University of California, Los Angeles
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13910

WE-HI-225BCD NIH Investigator Scientific Highlights
R01 HS026486 Clinical Trial Personalizing Radiation Therapy Through a Novel Lung Function Imaging ModalityPresented by Yevgeniy Vinogradskiy, PhD University of Colorado Denver
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13911

WE-HI-225BCD NIH Investigator Scientific Highlights
R01 CA230278 Robust IMPT with Automated Beam Orientation and Scanning Spot OptimizationPresented by Ke Sheng, PhD UCLA School of Medicine
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13912

WE-HI-225BCD NIH Investigator Scientific Highlights
P01 CA059827 Optimization of High Dose Conformal TherapyPresented by Randall Ten Haken, PhD University of Michigan
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13913

WE-HI-225BCD NIH Investigator Scientific Highlights
R01 CA181171 Image Quality Improvement and Performance Assessment of Dedicated Breast CTPresented by Ioannis Sechopoulos, PhD Radboud University Medical Centre
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13914

WE-HI-225BCD NIH Investigator Scientific Highlights
R01 EB020665 Developing a Treatment Planning System for Next Generation Rotating-Shield BrachytherapyPresented by Xiaodong Wu, University of Iowa
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13915

WE-HI-225BCD NIH Investigator Scientific Highlights
R01 CA201212 Developing Knowledge Models to Enable Rapid Learning in Radiation TherapyPresented by Qing-Rong Jackie Wu, PhD Duke University Medical Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13916

WE-HI-225BCD NIH Investigator Scientific Highlights
R01 CA202761 Investigating Radiation-Induced Injury to Airways and Pulmonary Vasculature in Lung SABRPresented by Amit Sawant, PhD University of Maryland School of Medicine
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13917

WE-HI-225BCD NIH Investigator Scientific Highlights
U01 EB018758 Task-driven Dynamic Beam Modulation for High-performance, Low-dose CTPresented by Joseph Stayman, PhD Johns Hopkins University
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13918

WE-HI-303 Advanced Ultrasound Imaging in Clinical Applications
Novel Ultrasound Imaging Methods to Distinguish Cancer and Improve SurgeryPresented by Muyinatu Lediju Bell, Johns Hopkins University
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13894

WE-HI-303 Advanced Ultrasound Imaging in Clinical Applications
Myocardial Elastography and 3D Electromechanical Wave Imaging of the HeartPresented by Julien Grondin, Columbia University Medical Campus
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13895

WE-HI-304 Vendor Provided Data, Tools and Test Procedures
Vendor Provided Data, Tools and Test Procedures: Benefits and ConcernsPresented by Koren Smith, MS Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13841

WE-HI-304 Vendor Provided Data, Tools and Test Procedures
Vendor Provided Data, Tools and Test Procedures: What Is Safe Practice?Presented by Todd Pawlicki, PhD UC San Diego
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13842

WE-HI-304 Vendor Provided Data, Tools and Test Procedures
The Linac Vendor PerspectivePresented by Mu Young Lee, PhD Varian Medical Systems
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13843

WE-HI-304 Vendor Provided Data, Tools and Test Procedures
The 3rd Party QA Tool Provider PerspectovePresented by Jeffrey Kapatoes, PhD Sun Nuclear Corporation
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13844

WE-HI-304 Vendor Provided Data, Tools and Test Procedures Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13845

WE-HI-SAN1 Efficiency/throughput RT for Low Resource Settings
Need for Radiotherapy in Low and Middle Income Countries The Silent Crisis ContinuesPresented by Deborah van der Merwe, PhD International Atomic Energy Agency
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13730

WE-HI-SAN1 Efficiency/throughput RT for Low Resource Settings
Redesigning IMRT for Low- and Middle-Income CountriesPresented by Eric Ford, PhD University of Washington
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13731

WE-HI-SAN1 Efficiency/throughput RT for Low Resource Settings
Kilovoltage Arc Therapy (KVAT)Presented by Magdalena Bazalova-Carter, PhD University of Victoria
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13732

WE-HI-SAN1 Efficiency/throughput RT for Low Resource Settings
Fixed-Beam Radiotherapy Systems for More Cost Effective TreatmentPresented by Paul Liu, The University of Sydney
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13733

WE-HI-SAN1 Efficiency/throughput RT for Low Resource Settings
Zap Surgical SystemPresented by John Adler, Stanford University
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.7 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 13734

WE-H-SAN4 Assembling your Detector Toolkit - Which Types, How Many, and Why
Detectors for External Beam Reference DosimetryPresented by Bryan Muir, PhD National Research Council
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.9 (higher is better), with 10 responding
VLID: 13809

WE-H-SAN4 Assembling your Detector Toolkit - Which Types, How Many, and Why
Detectors for Small Field and Relative DosimetryPresented by Jan Seuntjens, PhD McGill University
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.5 (higher is better), with 8 responding
VLID: 13810

WE-H-SAN4 Assembling your Detector Toolkit - Which Types, How Many, and Why Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13815

WE-I-302 Professional Economics Updates
IntroductionPresented by Jonas Fontenot, PhD Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13871

WE-I-302 Professional Economics Updates
Professional Economics Update 1Presented by Jonas Fontenot, PhD Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13872

WE-I-302 Professional Economics Updates Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13875

WE-I-SAN4 Point/Counterpoint Live Debate: Modern Linacs Monitor Units Should be Defined in Water at 10 cm Depth Rather than at DMAX
I think that Linacs should be calibrated at d_max. No wait! I changed my mind! No it should! I am confused.Presented by Frank Van den Heuvel, PhD University of Oxford
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13830

WE-I-SAN4 Point/Counterpoint Live Debate: Modern Linacs Monitor Units Should be Defined in Water at 10 cm Depth Rather than at DMAX
Panel MemberPresented by Qiuwen Wu, PhD Duke University Medical Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13831

WE-I-SAN4 Point/Counterpoint Live Debate: Modern Linacs Monitor Units Should be Defined in Water at 10 cm Depth Rather than at DMAX
Panel MemberPresented by Claas Wessels, Varian Medical Systems
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13832

WE-I-SAN4 Point/Counterpoint Live Debate: Modern Linacs Monitor Units Should be Defined in Water at 10 cm Depth Rather than at DMAX
Panel MemberPresented by Carlos Sandin, Elekta Ltd
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13833

WE-I-SAN4 Point/Counterpoint Live Debate: Modern Linacs Monitor Units Should be Defined in Water at 10 cm Depth Rather than at DMAX
Panel MemberPresented by Frank Van den Heuvel, PhD University of Oxford
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13834

WE-I-SAN4 Point/Counterpoint Live Debate: Modern Linacs Monitor Units Should be Defined in Water at 10 cm Depth Rather than at DMAX Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13836

WE-J-221AB Innovations in X-Ray Detectors
Indirect and Direct Detectors with Avalanche GainPresented by Wei Zhao, PhD SUNY Stony Brook
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13767

WE-J-221AB Innovations in X-Ray Detectors
Cadmium Telluride Photon Counting DetectorsPresented by Christer Ullberg, MS XCounter AB
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13769

WE-J-221CD Tailoring CT Protocol to Patient Age and Size with a Focus On Pediatric Patient
IntroductionPresented by Donovan Bakalyar, PhD Henry Ford Health System
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13794

WE-J-221CD Tailoring CT Protocol to Patient Age and Size with a Focus On Pediatric Patient
Practical Considerations for Size Based Protocol OptimizationPresented by Zhihua Qi, PhD Henry Ford Health System
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13795

WE-J-221CD Tailoring CT Protocol to Patient Age and Size with a Focus On Pediatric Patient
CT Protocol Optimization Over the Range of Patient Age & Size and for Different CT Scanner Types: Recommendations & MisconceptionsPresented by Frank Ranallo, PhD University of Wisconsin
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13796

WE-J-221CD Tailoring CT Protocol to Patient Age and Size with a Focus On Pediatric Patient
Meeting the Imaging Needs of the Pediatric Radiologist: The Effect of Patient Size, Age and Clinical Circumstance On Optimizing the CT ImagePresented by Kimberly Applegate, MD, MS, FACR Kentucky Children’s Hospital
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13797

WE-J-221CD Tailoring CT Protocol to Patient Age and Size with a Focus On Pediatric Patient Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13798

WE-J-225BCD Outstanding Science Published in 2018: Medical Physics and JACMP
IntroductionPresented by Jeffrey Williamson, PhD Washington University
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13876

WE-J-225BCD Outstanding Science Published in 2018: Medical Physics and JACMP
Developing High Impact Scientific/clinical Projects for AAPM JournalsPresented by Jeffrey Williamson, PhD Washington University
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13877

WE-J-225BCD Outstanding Science Published in 2018: Medical Physics and JACMP
2018 Farrington Daniels AwardeePresented by Thuy Linh Tran, University of Wollongong
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13878

WE-J-225BCD Outstanding Science Published in 2018: Medical Physics and JACMP
2018 Farrington Daniels AwardeePresented by Anatoly Rosenfeld, University of Wollongong
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13879

WE-J-225BCD Outstanding Science Published in 2018: Medical Physics and JACMP
2018 Michael D. Mills Editor in Chief AwardeePresented by Eric Morris, Wayne State University
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13880

WE-J-225BCD Outstanding Science Published in 2018: Medical Physics and JACMP
2018 Michael D. Mills Editor in Chief AwardeePresented by Carri Glide-Hurst, PhD Henry Ford Health System
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13881

WE-J-225BCD Outstanding Science Published in 2018: Medical Physics and JACMP
2018 Moses and Sylvia Sorkin Greenfield AwardeePresented by James Scheuermann, PhD Stony Brook University
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13882

WE-J-225BCD Outstanding Science Published in 2018: Medical Physics and JACMP
2018 Peter R. Almond AwardeePresented by David Hintenlang, PhD Ohio State Univ
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13883

WE-J-225BCD Outstanding Science Published in 2018: Medical Physics and JACMP
Q&APresented by Jeffrey Williamson, PhD Washington University
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13884

WE-J-302 Novel Agents for Imaging and Theranostics
Multifunctional Nanoparticles for Medical Imaging and Therapeutics: An Introduction to TheranosticsPresented by David Cormode, The Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13754

WE-J-302 Novel Agents for Imaging and Theranostics
ImmunoPET: Harnessing Antibodies for Diagnostic and Theranostic Nuclear ImagingPresented by Brian Zeglis, Hunter College
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13755

WE-J-302 Novel Agents for Imaging and Theranostics
Light Activated Multimodal NanoparticlesPresented by Marites Melancon, MD Anderson Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13756

WE-J-303 AI and Quantitative Ultrasound Imaging
Quantitative Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound Imaging From Pre-Clinical Models to Human TrialsPresented by Flemming Forsberg, Thomas Jefferson University
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13897

WE-J-303 AI and Quantitative Ultrasound Imaging
AI in Quantitative Ultrasound ImagingPresented by Xiaofeng Yang, PhD Emory University
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13898

WE-J-SAN1 AAPM Grand Challenges Symposium
WGGC OverviewPresented by Samuel Armato, PhD The University of Chicago
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13900

WE-J-SAN1 AAPM Grand Challenges Symposium
CTVIE Challenge OverviewPresented by Bilal Tahir, The University of Sheffield
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13901

WE-J-SAN1 AAPM Grand Challenges Symposium
CTVIE Challenge, Group 1Presented by Samuel Armato, PhD The University of Chicago
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13902

WE-J-SAN1 AAPM Grand Challenges Symposium
CTVIE Challenge, Group 2Presented by Samuel Armato, PhD The University of Chicago
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13903

WE-J-SAN1 AAPM Grand Challenges Symposium
RT-MAC Challenge OverviewPresented by Gregory Sharp, PhD Massachusetts General Hospital
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13904

WE-J-SAN1 AAPM Grand Challenges Symposium
RT-MAC Challenge, Group 1Presented by Samuel Armato, PhD The University of Chicago
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13905

WE-J-SAN1 AAPM Grand Challenges Symposium
RT-MAC Challenge, Group 2Presented by Samuel Armato, PhD The University of Chicago
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13906

WE-J-SAN1 AAPM Grand Challenges Symposium
Q&APresented by Samuel Armato, PhD The University of Chicago
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13907

WE-J-SAN1 AAPM Grand Challenges Symposium Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13908

WE-J-SAN2 Novel Applications in Cardiac Imaging and Therapeutics
Cardiac Imaging and Interventional ApplicationsPresented by Rebecca Fahrig, PhD Siemens Healthcare GmbH
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13749

WE-J-SAN2 Novel Applications in Cardiac Imaging and Therapeutics
X-Ray and MRI Guided-Ablative Radiotherapy to Treat Atrial FibrillationPresented by Paul Keall, PhD University of Sydney
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13750

WE-J-SAN2 Novel Applications in Cardiac Imaging and Therapeutics
Clinical Experience, Technical Challenges and Future Plans for IGRT to Treat Ventricular TachycardiaPresented by Geoffrey Hugo, PhD Washington University School of Medicine
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13751

WE-J-SAN4 Adaptive Radiotherapy
Clinical Rationale for Adaptive RadiotherapyPresented by Clifton Fuller, PhD MD Anderson Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.6 (higher is better), with 5 responding
VLID: 13803

WE-J-SAN4 Adaptive Radiotherapy
Imaging for Adaptive RadiotherapyPresented by Catherine Coolens, PhD Princess Margaret Hospital
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.5 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13804

WE-J-SAN4 Adaptive Radiotherapy
Image Registration for Adaptive RadiotherapyPresented by Guillaume Cazoulat, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 13805

WE-J-SAN4 Adaptive Radiotherapy
Adaptive Radiotherapy for Anatomical ChangesPresented by Jan-Jakob Sonke, Netherlands Cancer Institute
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.3 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 13806

WE-J-SAN4 Adaptive Radiotherapy
Functional Adaptive RadiotherapyPresented by Martha Matuszak, PhD University of Michigan
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 6 responding
VLID: 13807

TH-A-221CD Reducing Sedation and Anesthesia in Pediatric Radiology
Sedation in Pediatric Radiology: Necessary Evil, Avoidable Peril Or Both ?Presented by Andrew Degnan, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13946

TH-A-221CD Reducing Sedation and Anesthesia in Pediatric Radiology
Reducing Sedation & Anesthesia in Pediatric PETPresented by Georges El Fakhri, PhD Massachusetts General Hospital
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13947

TH-A-221CD Reducing Sedation and Anesthesia in Pediatric Radiology
Reducing Sedation & Anesthesia in Pediatric CT Â Presented by Robert MacDougall, Boston Children's Hospital
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13948

TH-A-221CD Reducing Sedation and Anesthesia in Pediatric Radiology
Faster, Motion Compensated MRI in PediatricsPresented by Samuel Brady, PhD Cincinnati Childrens Hospital Med Ctr
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13949

TH-A-302 HAZMAT Shipping DOT Training Part 1
IntroductionPresented by Russell Tarver, MS The Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.8 (higher is better), with 5 responding
VLID: 13981

TH-A-302 HAZMAT Shipping DOT Training Part 1
Part 1Presented by Janel Mikhail, Office of Radiation Safety/Department of Risk Management
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.8 (higher is better), with 11 responding
VLID: 13982

TH-A-302 HAZMAT Shipping DOT Training Part 1 Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 13983

TH-A-304 Design Elements and Performance Evaluation of MRI Radiofrequency Coils
Clarifying the Dilemma with RF Coil TestingPresented by Nathan Yanasak, PhD Augusta University
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.8 (higher is better), with 5 responding
VLID: 13976

TH-A-304 Design Elements and Performance Evaluation of MRI Radiofrequency Coils
RF Coil Testing: Hardware, Reconstruction, and Standard MethodsPresented by Trevor Andrews, PhD Washington University at St Louis
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13977

TH-A-304 Design Elements and Performance Evaluation of MRI Radiofrequency Coils
Tips, Tricks, and Hidden Obstacles for RF Coil TestingPresented by Thomas Cull, ViewRay
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13978

TH-A-304 Design Elements and Performance Evaluation of MRI Radiofrequency Coils
High Quality RF Coil Testing and the Consulting PhysicistPresented by Moriel Shalom NessAiver, PhD Simply Physics
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 13979

TH-A-304 Design Elements and Performance Evaluation of MRI Radiofrequency Coils Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13980

TH-A-SAN1 AI and Machine Learning for RT
AI for Treatment PlanningPresented by Steve Jiang, PhD UT Southwestern Medical Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13932

TH-A-SAN1 AI and Machine Learning for RT
AI for OAR Segmentation and Target DelineationPresented by Lei Xing, PhD Stanford University School of Medicine
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.7 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 13933

TH-A-SAN1 AI and Machine Learning for RT
AI for Adaptive Radiation TherapyPresented by Issam El Naqa, PhD University of Michigan
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13934

TH-A-SAN1 AI and Machine Learning for RT
AI for Task Based Imaging QualityPresented by Hua Li, PhD Carle Fundation Hospital
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.5 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13935

TH-A-SAN4 Intrafraction Motion Management in Radiotherapy - State of the Art and Future Roadmap
Position Monitoring - State of the ArtPresented by Laura Cervino, PhD UC San Diego
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 13957

TH-A-SAN4 Intrafraction Motion Management in Radiotherapy - State of the Art and Future Roadmap
Position Monitoring - Future RoadmapPresented by Amit Sawant, PhD University of Maryland School of Medicine
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13958

TH-A-SAN4 Intrafraction Motion Management in Radiotherapy - State of the Art and Future Roadmap
In-Room Patient/beam Adaptation - State of the ArtPresented by Sonja Dieterich, PhD UC Davis Medical Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13959

TH-A-SAN4 Intrafraction Motion Management in Radiotherapy - State of the Art and Future Roadmap
In-Room Patient/beam Adaptation - Future RoadmapPresented by Paul Keall, PhD University of Sydney
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13960

TH-A-SAN4 Intrafraction Motion Management in Radiotherapy - State of the Art and Future Roadmap
Intrafraction Motion Management for Particle TherapyPresented by Lei Dong, PhD University of Pennsylvania
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13961

TH-A-SAN4 Intrafraction Motion Management in Radiotherapy - State of the Art and Future Roadmap Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13963

TH-B-221CD Reject Rate Analysis in the Digital Era
IntroductionPresented by Kevin Little, PhD Ohio State University
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.5 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13951

TH-B-221CD Reject Rate Analysis in the Digital Era
Radiology Workflow: Understanding Technologists’ Image QCPresented by Katie Hulme, MS The Cleveland Clinic
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.7 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 13952

TH-B-221CD Reject Rate Analysis in the Digital Era
Setting Up a Unified Database for Multi-Vendor Reject AnalysisPresented by Kevin Little, PhD Ohio State University
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.7 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 13953

TH-B-221CD Reject Rate Analysis in the Digital Era
Initial Clinical Experience: Reasons for Rejects and Remedial ActionsPresented by Ingrid Reiser, PhD The University of Chicago
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13954

TH-B-221CD Reject Rate Analysis in the Digital Era
Strategies for Repeat Analysis Program: Implementation and ExpectationsPresented by Alisa Walz-Flannigan, PhD Mayo Clinic
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13955

TH-B-221CD Reject Rate Analysis in the Digital Era Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13956

TH-BC-221AB Deep Learning for Image Reconstruction and Processing
Deep Learning Reconstruction Methods for Dosimetry and AccelerationPresented by Jonas Teuwen, Radboud University Medical Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13941

TH-BC-221AB Deep Learning for Image Reconstruction and Processing
Learned Image Reconstruction for High-Resolution Tomographic ImagingPresented by Andreas Hauptmann, University of Oulu
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13942

TH-BC-221AB Deep Learning for Image Reconstruction and Processing
Deep CT Image FormationPresented by Marc Kachelriess, PhD DKFZ Heidelberg, FS05
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13943

TH-BC-302 HAZMAT Shipping DOT Training Part 2
Part 2Presented by Janel Mikhail, Office of Radiation Safety/Department of Risk Management
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 5 responding
VLID: 13984

TH-BC-302 HAZMAT Shipping DOT Training Part 2
Q&APresented by Russell Tarver, MS The Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13985

TH-BC-302 HAZMAT Shipping DOT Training Part 2 Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13986

TH-BC-SAN1 Rationale and Evidence for SBRT
IntroductionPresented by Jimm Grimm, PhD Johns Hopkins University
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.7 (higher is better), with 9 responding
VLID: 13920

TH-BC-SAN1 Rationale and Evidence for SBRT
Radiation Therapy Dose Response Modeling and Optimization of Fractionation Schedules with Cancer Stem CellsPresented by Victoria Yu, MS UCLA School of Medicine
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.5 (higher is better), with 6 responding
VLID: 13921

TH-BC-SAN1 Rationale and Evidence for SBRT
Role of Vascular Damage and Tumor Microenvironment in the Response of Tumors to SBRT and SRSPresented by Chang Song, University of Minnesota Medical School
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 6 responding
VLID: 13922

TH-BC-SAN1 Rationale and Evidence for SBRT
Biological Dose Escalation and Outcomes Modeling in the Era of Stereotactic RadiotherapyPresented by David Carlson, PhD University of Pennsylvania
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.2 (higher is better), with 5 responding
VLID: 13923

TH-BC-SAN1 Rationale and Evidence for SBRT
Immunomodulatory Effects of Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT): Preclinical Insights and Clinical OpportunitiesPresented by Ariel Marciscano, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 13924

TH-BC-SAN1 Rationale and Evidence for SBRT Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 13926

TH-B-SAN2 The Anne and Donald Herbert Distinguished Lectureship in Modern Statistical Modeling
Individualized and Adaptive Radiation Therapy via Statistical ModelsPresented by Matthew Schipper, University of Michigan
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13938

TH-B-SAN4 Immunotherapy Killed the IGRT Star
A Physicist’s Cliff Notes to ImmunotherapyPresented by Hania Al-Hallaq, PhD The University of Chicago
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.8 (higher is better), with 19 responding
VLID: 13964

TH-B-SAN4 Immunotherapy Killed the IGRT Star
Using Radiation to Boost Tumor ImmunityPresented by Steven Chmura, University of Chicago
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.3 (higher is better), with 7 responding
VLID: 13965

TH-B-SAN4 Immunotherapy Killed the IGRT Star Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13966

TH-C-SAN4 Dosimetry in Radionuclide Therapy
Fundamentals of RNT DosimetryPresented by Robert Hobbs, PhD Johns Hopkins University
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.3 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 13967

TH-C-SAN4 Dosimetry in Radionuclide Therapy
Applications of RNT Dosimetry - Worked ExamplesPresented by Yuni Dewaraja, University of Michigan
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 13968

TH-C-SAN4 Dosimetry in Radionuclide Therapy
FDA-Approved (and Upcoming) Dosimetry SoftwarePresented by Bryan Bednarz, PhD University of Wisconsin
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 13969

TH-D-301 Vendor Related Mammography Updates
GE Senographe Pristina: Technical Assessment and Clinical PerspectivesPresented by Razvan Iordache, PhD GE Healthcare
This presentation has an average satisfaction 2.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13988

TH-D-301 Vendor Related Mammography Updates
Better Insight with Wide Angle TomosynthesisPresented by Steffen Kappler, Siemens
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13989

TH-D-301 Vendor Related Mammography Updates
Update On Hologic’s High Resolution Breast Tomosynthesis SystemsPresented by Tushita Patel, Hologic, Inc
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13990

TH-D-301 Vendor Related Mammography Updates
Fujifilm's ASPIRE CristallePresented by Gregg Cretella, FUJIFILM Medical Systems U.S.A., Inc
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13991

TH-D-301 Vendor Related Mammography Updates Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13992

TH-D-303 Advances in Pencil Beam Scanning Delivery and Planning Techniques
Motion Mitigation in Spot Scanning Proton Therapy with An Automated Gating System and Voluntary Breath HoldingPresented by Sina Mossahebi, PhD University of Maryland School of Medicine
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13971

TH-D-303 Advances in Pencil Beam Scanning Delivery and Planning Techniques
Implementation of Grid Therapy Using a Proton Pencil BeamPresented by Mark Pankuch, PhD Northwestern Medicine Chicago Proton Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13972

TH-D-303 Advances in Pencil Beam Scanning Delivery and Planning Techniques
LET Evaluation and LET-Guided Robust Optimization in Intensity-Modulated Proton TherapyPresented by Wei Liu, PhD Mayo Clinic Arizona
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.0 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 13973

TH-D-303 Advances in Pencil Beam Scanning Delivery and Planning Techniques
Application and Potential of Model-Based Planning in Proton TherapyPresented by Anthony Mascia, PhD University of Cincinnati Medical Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13974

TH-D-SAN1 Adaptive Radiation Therapy (Online, Offline, Real Time)
Offline ARTPresented by Kristy Brock, PhD UT MD Anderson Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13927

TH-D-SAN1 Adaptive Radiation Therapy (Online, Offline, Real Time)
Online ARTPresented by Carri Glide-Hurst, PhD Henry Ford Health System
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13928

TH-D-SAN1 Adaptive Radiation Therapy (Online, Offline, Real Time)
Real-Time ARTPresented by Jeremy Booth, PhD Royal North Shore Hospital
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13929

TH-D-SAN1 Adaptive Radiation Therapy (Online, Offline, Real Time)
Implementing ART to Improve Patient OutcomesPresented by Clifton Fuller, PhD MD Anderson Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13930

TH-D-SAN1 Adaptive Radiation Therapy (Online, Offline, Real Time) Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13931