All 2022 CRCPD presentations
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Facing the Future - Together
Sheilding Report 101 and Survey 102Presented by Melissa Martin MSc. Therapy Physics, Inc.
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 16580

The Future is Now
Shielding FoiblesPresented by Melissa Martin MSc. Therapy Physics, Inc.
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 16588

The Future is Now
Zap-XPresented by Robert Staton PhD TrueNorth Medical Physics
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 16589

Facing the Future - Together
Life with a Commissioning PhysicistPresented by Robert Staton PhD TrueNorth Medical Physics
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 16581

Facing the Future - Together
Prussian Blue Intrigue and other Value Add Activities in Radiation SafetyPresented by Jessica Clements MS Kaiser Permanente
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 16582

The Future is Now
PET/CT Utilization Planning: Hospital or Mobile/Outpatient Clinic?Presented by Jessica Clements MS Kaiser Permanente
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 16590

The Future is Now
Count us in: Photon counting CTPresented by Kevin Little PhD University of Chicago
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 16591

Facing the Future - Together
No ‘console’ CT’sPresented by Kevin Little PhD University of Chicago
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 16583

Facing the Future - Together
From 3D to 4D: State of the Art for CT and MRI SimulationPresented by Carri Glide-Hurst PhD University of Wisconsin
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 16584

The Future is Now
Moving Research into the ClinicPresented by Carri Glide-Hurst PhD University of Wisconsin
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 16592

The Future is Now
Physics meets Biology in Particle Therapy: An Introduction to the First Carbon Facility in the USAPresented by Chris Beltran PhD Mayo Clinic
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 16593

Facing the Future - Together
PSMA-Targeted PET Imaging for Prostate CancerPresented by Bette Blankenship MSc. Retired
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 16585

Facing the Future - Together
RefleXionPresented by Oluwaseyi Oderinde PhD RefleXion Medical
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 16586

The Future is Now
Developing Regulations for Novel Medical Applications using RadiationPresented by Debbie Gilley MPA Retired
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 16594

Facing the Future - Together
AI: How does this Impact Radiation Protection Regulations?Presented by Debbie Gilley MPA Retired
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 16587