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All 2018 SCM presentations

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SA-A-Ballroom 5-8 Medical Physics Leadership Academy
Project Management Essentials: Increase Your Impact by Understanding the Bigger Picture - Part 1
Presented by Robin Miller, Northwest Medical Physics Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 10 responding
VLID: 12562

SA-A-Ballroom 5-8 Medical Physics Leadership Academy
Project Management Essentials: Increase Your Impact by Understanding the Bigger Picture - Part 2
Presented by Justin Parscale, Perkins+Will
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 12563

SA-A-Ballroom 5-8 Medical Physics Leadership Academy
Project Management Essentials: Increase Your Impact by Understanding the Bigger Picture - Part 3
Presented by Claire Almanza, UT Southwestern Medical Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 12564

SA-A-Ballroom 5-8 Medical Physics Leadership Academy
Project Management Essentials: Increase Your Impact by Understanding the Bigger Picture - Part 4
Presented by Arnold Pompos, UT Southwestern Medical Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.7 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 12565

SA-A-Ballroom 5-8 Medical Physics Leadership Academy Q & A
Q & A
Presented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 12566

SA-C-Ballroom 5-8 How Good Imaging Can Improve Therapy Planning
The Use of MRI in High Dose Rate Brachytherapy Treatment for Cervical Cancer
Presented by Yi Rong, University of California-Davis
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.3 (higher is better), with 10 responding
VLID: 12567

SA-C-Ballroom 5-8 How Good Imaging Can Improve Therapy Planning
MRI Guided Adaptive Radiotherapy, Present and Future
Presented by Minsong Cao, UCLA School of Medicine
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.8 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 12568

SA-C-Ballroom 5-8 How Good Imaging Can Improve Therapy Planning
Use of MRI for External Beam Treatment Planning
Presented by Neelam Tyagi, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 12569

SA-C-Ballroom 5-8 How Good Imaging Can Improve Therapy Planning
Use of MRI in Radiotherapy: Technical Considerations
Presented by Yanle Hu, Mayo Clinic Arizona
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.9 (higher is better), with 8 responding
VLID: 12570

SA-D-Ballroom 1-4 Joint Commission Diagnostic Imaging Updates
Current Standards for Diagnostic Imaging and Future Addition of Fluoroscopy
Presented by Andrea Browne, The Joint Commission
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 12572

SA-D-Ballroom 1-4 Joint Commission Diagnostic Imaging Updates Q & A
Q & A
Presented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.7 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 12573

SA-D-Ballroom 5-8 IGRT: Making Effective Clinical Choices
IGRT: Effective Decisions with Multi-Modality Imaging Systems
Presented by Jenghwa Chang, Northwell Health
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.4 (higher is better), with 19 responding
VLID: 12559

SA-D-Ballroom 5-8 IGRT: Making Effective Clinical Choices
Clinical Review of Imaging for Treatment Verification
Presented by Laura Cervino, UC San Diego
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.3 (higher is better), with 15 responding
VLID: 12560

SU-A-Ballroom 1-4 The Zagzebski/Carson Distinguished Lecture on Medical Ultrasound
Ultrasound Instrumentation: An Important Focus for the Medical Physicist
Presented by James Zagzebski, University of Wisconsin
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 12597

SU-A-Ballroom 1-4 The Zagzebski/Carson Distinguished Lecture on Medical Ultrasound
Synthetic Aperture Imaging Methods: Technologies and Trade-offs
Presented by Glen McLaughlin, Shenzhen Mindray Bio-Medical Electronics Co., LTD.
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.7 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 12598

SU-A-Ballroom 5-8 To Measure or Not to Measure for Patient Specific QA
Measurement-Based Patient-Specific IMRT QA: Fact and Fiction
Presented by Moyed Miften, University of Colorado School of Medicine
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 16 responding
VLID: 12574

SU-A-Ballroom 5-8 To Measure or Not to Measure for Patient Specific QA
Is It Safe, Non-Measurement Based Patient Specific IMRT QA?
Presented by Byong Yong Yi, Univ. of Maryland School Of Medicine
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.8 (higher is better), with 16 responding
VLID: 12575

SU-B-Ballroom 1-4 CT Dosimetry and Applications
CT Dosimetry in the Clinical Environment: Methods and Analysis
Presented by Manuel Arreola, University of Florida
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.2 (higher is better), with 5 responding
VLID: 12594

SU-B-Ballroom 1-4 CT Dosimetry and Applications
Cardiac CT Principles and Radiation Doses
Presented by Mahadevappa Mahesh, Johns Hopkins Univ
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.4 (higher is better), with 5 responding
VLID: 12595

SU-B-Ballroom 5-8 Medical Physics Information Technology
IT Basics and Trouble Shooting for the Clinical Medical Physicist
Presented by Wenzheng Feng, Bayhealth Medical Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.0 (higher is better), with 7 responding
VLID: 12581

SU-B-Ballroom 5-8 Medical Physics Information Technology
Current Standards for Information Exchange in Radiation Oncology: DICOM, DICOM-RT, and HL7
Presented by Bruce Curran, Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 12582

SU-B-Ballroom 5-8 Medical Physics Information Technology
Database Basics Including Applications in Radiotherapy for Safety and Efficiency
Presented by Peter Balter, UT MD Anderson Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.4 (higher is better), with 5 responding
VLID: 12583

SU-B-Ballroom 5-8 Medical Physics Information Technology
If Only My Planning System Could...Using Scripting to Push the Envelope On Clinical Capabilities of Treatment Planning Systems
Presented by Charles Mayo, University of Michigan
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 12584

SU-B-Ballroom 5-8 Medical Physics Information Technology Q & A
Q & A
Presented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 12585

SU-C-Ballroom 1-4 Navigating IT Requirements in Today's Electronic Environment
Current and Future IT Applications in the Clinical Medical Physics World
Presented by Bryon Murray, OMPC Therapy, LLC and OMPC Diagnostics, LLC
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 12586

SU-C-Ballroom 1-4 Navigating IT Requirements in Today's Electronic Environment
Developing a Relationship with Your IT Department: Understanding Modern Technology Requirements
Presented by Scott Wilson, Riverside Methodist Hospital
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 12587

SU-C-Ballroom 5-8 AAPM TG 275: Live Demonstration of Chart Checks
EBRT Plan Review - Eclipse/ARIA
Presented by Grace Gwe-Ya Kim, University of California, San Diego
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 12589

SU-C-Ballroom 5-8 AAPM TG 275: Live Demonstration of Chart Checks
EBRT Plan Review - Pinnacle/Mosaiq
Presented by Anne Greener, VA Medical Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 12590

SU-C-Ballroom 5-8 AAPM TG 275: Live Demonstration of Chart Checks
EBRT Plan Review - RayStation/Mosaiq
Presented by Stephanie Parker, Univ North Carolina
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 12591

SU-C-Ballroom 5-8 AAPM TG 275: Live Demonstration of Chart Checks
HDR Plan Review - Oncentra/Aria
Presented by Perry Johnson, University of Miami
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 12592

SU-C-Ballroom 5-8 AAPM TG 275: Live Demonstration of Chart Checks Q & A
Q & A
Presented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 12593

SU-D-Ballroom 1-4 The Art of the Image in Mammography
Artifacts in 2D and 3D Breast Imaging: Their Origin, Presentation, and Remediation
Presented by Beth Schueler, Mayo Clinic
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 14 responding
VLID: 12579

SU-D-Ballroom 5-8 AAPM TG 210 Review - Conventional LINAC Acceptance Testing
Empowering the Physicist in the Linac Acceptance Process, the TG210- Perspective
Presented by Angelica Perez-Andujar, University of San Francisco
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.2 (higher is better), with 17 responding
VLID: 12577

MO-A-Ballroom 1-4 Future Directions in Breast Imaging QC and Dosimetry
Introduction to the ACR Breast Tomosynthesis QC Program
Presented by Douglas Pfeiffer, Boulder Community Health
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.3 (higher is better), with 7 responding
VLID: 12609

MO-A-Ballroom 1-4 Future Directions in Breast Imaging QC and Dosimetry
The History, Current Practice, and Future of Breast Imaging Dosimetry
Presented by Andrew Hernandez, University of California-Davis
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.6 (higher is better), with 5 responding
VLID: 12610

MO-A-Ballroom 5-8 Automation in Therapy: The Future is Now
Automation in Plan Quality Assurance (QA)
Presented by Charles Mayo, University of Michigan
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.1 (higher is better), with 11 responding
VLID: 12600

MO-A-Ballroom 5-8 Automation in Therapy: The Future is Now
Automation in Treatment Planning
Presented by Laurence Edward Court, UT MD Anderson Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.8 (higher is better), with 5 responding
VLID: 12601

MO-B-Ballroom 1-4 Fluoroscopy Patient Peak Skin Dose Monitoring and Tracking
Preparation for Peak Skin Dose Estimation
Presented by Pei-Jan Lin, Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.7 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 12619

MO-B-Ballroom 1-4 Fluoroscopy Patient Peak Skin Dose Monitoring and Tracking
Applying Corrections and Sample Cases with a Real-Time Dosimetry System
Presented by Frank Corwin, Virginia Commonwealth University
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 12620

MO-B-Ballroom 1-4 Fluoroscopy Patient Peak Skin Dose Monitoring and Tracking
Clinical Experiences with a Patient Skin Dose Monitoring and Tracking Program
Presented by Allen Goode, University of Virginia Health Systems
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 12621

MO-B-Ballroom 1-4 Fluoroscopy Patient Peak Skin Dose Monitoring and Tracking
Institutional Infrastructure for Fluoroscopy Exposure Monitoring and Tracking
Presented by Jan Clark, Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 12622

MO-B-Ballroom 5-8 4D Image Choices and Pitfalls
What Planning CT Should Be Used for Lung SBRT, Free-breathing CT, MIP-CT, or AIP-CT?
Presented by Ping Xia, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 13 responding
VLID: 12603

MO-B-Ballroom 5-8 4D Image Choices and Pitfalls
Mitigation of the Effects of Irregular Respiration in 4D-CT
Presented by Tinsu Pan, UT MD Anderson Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.8 (higher is better), with 11 responding
VLID: 12604

MO-C-Ballroom 1-4 ABR Update & Regulatory Update
ABR MOC Update
Presented by J. Anthony Seibert, UC Davis Medical Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 12612

MO-C-Ballroom 1-4 ABR Update & Regulatory Update
On the Hill: What Does the New Legislative Year Look Like?
Presented by Matthew Reiter, Capitol Associates, Inc.
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 12613

MO-C-Ballroom 1-4 ABR Update & Regulatory Update
Summary of Radiation Medical Events
Presented by Jennifer Elee, LA Department of Environmental Quality
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 12614

MO-C-Ballroom 1-4 ABR Update & Regulatory Update
Update of Radiation Safety Issues
Presented by Richard Martin, AAPM
This presentation has an average satisfaction 2.3 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 12615

MO-D-Ballroom 1-4 DEXA Physics and Applications
Dual Energy X-Ray Absoptiometry (DXA): Science, Technology, and Practice
Presented by David Gauntt, UAB Medical Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.6 (higher is better), with 9 responding
VLID: 12617

MO-D-Ballroom 5-8 Special Topics: TBI and Brachytherapy
Advances in TBI
Presented by Xuejun Gu, UT Southwestern Medical Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.2 (higher is better), with 12 responding
VLID: 12606

MO-D-Ballroom 5-8 Special Topics: TBI and Brachytherapy
MRI for HDR Treatment Planning
Presented by Joann Prisciandaro, University of Michigan
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.6 (higher is better), with 11 responding
VLID: 12607

TU-A-Ballroom 1-4 Breast Imaging in the Clinic
Clinical Breast Imaging: What Every Physicist Should Know
Presented by Sarah Friedewald, Northwestern University
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.7 (higher is better), with 7 responding
VLID: 12634

TU-A-Ballroom 1-4 Breast Imaging in the Clinic
Multi-Modality Stereotactic Breast Imaging Biopsy Systems
Presented by William Robert Geiser, UT MD Anderson Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 8 responding
VLID: 12635

TU-A-Ballroom 5-8 In the Era of Consolidation: Making Physics Minutes Count
Resource Integration and Management in Multi-Site Radiation Oncology Departments
Presented by Adam Riegel, Northwell Health
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 12624

TU-A-Ballroom 5-8 In the Era of Consolidation: Making Physics Minutes Count
Staffing Models for Multi-Site Institutions
Presented by Michael Price, Vanderbilt Univ. Medical Ctr.
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.7 (higher is better), with 6 responding
VLID: 12625

TU-A-Ballroom 5-8 In the Era of Consolidation: Making Physics Minutes Count
Command and Control in the Era of Consolidation
Presented by Louis Potters, Northwell Health
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.3 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 12626

TU-B-Ballroom 5-8 Peer Support and Mentorship
Mentoring 101
Presented by Yi Rong, University of California-Davis
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.4 (higher is better), with 7 responding
VLID: 12628

TU-B-Ballroom 5-8 Peer Support and Mentorship
Mentoring in An Academic Cinic
Presented by Robin Stern, UC Davis Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 12629

TU-B-Ballroom 5-8 Peer Support and Mentorship
Rationale for Peer Support
Presented by Suzanne Evans, Yale University
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 12630

TU-B-Ballroom 5-8 Peer Support and Mentorship
Needs Assessment of Peer Support in Medical Physics
Presented by Jennifer Lynn Johnson, Landauer Medical Physics
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 12631

TU-B-Ballroom 5-8 Peer Support and Mentorship Q & A
Q & A
Presented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 12633