All 2019 SCM presentations
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SA-A-Osceola BRC The Effect Increased Training Requirements have had on Clinical Practice: Views from the Field
How the ACR Requirements have Changed Residency Programs and Future PhysicistsPresented by Annie Hsu, Stanford Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13263

SA-A-Osceola BRC The Effect Increased Training Requirements have had on Clinical Practice: Views from the Field
Bridging the Gap: A Perspective from Full-Service ConsultingPresented by Brad Lofton, Colorado Assn in Medical Phys (CAMP)
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13264

SA-A-Osceola BRC The Effect Increased Training Requirements have had on Clinical Practice: Views from the Field
Hiring Qualified Diagnostic Imaging Physicists: Before and After 2014Presented by Melissa Carol Martin, Therapy Physics, Inc.
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13265

SA-A-Osceola BRC The Effect Increased Training Requirements have had on Clinical Practice: Views from the Field Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13266

SA-C-Osceola BRC Super Conductor or Attractive Nuisance? Real Talk About MR Safety...With No Spin
Integration of MR in Radiation Therapy: Practical Safety ConsiderationsPresented by Minsong Cao, UCLA School of Medicine
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13267

SA-C-Osceola BRC Super Conductor or Attractive Nuisance? Real Talk About MR Safety...With No Spin
Auditing and Evaluating MRI Facility Safety ProgramsPresented by David Jordan, University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 13268

SA-C-Osceola BRC Super Conductor or Attractive Nuisance? Real Talk About MR Safety...With No Spin Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13269

SA-D-Orange Blossom BR The New IEC/FDA Regulatory Paradigm for X-ray Devices
FDA ProspectivePresented by Robert Sauer, Food and Drug Administration
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13259

SA-D-Orange Blossom BR The New IEC/FDA Regulatory Paradigm for X-ray Devices
MITA ProspectivePresented by Lee Bush, Medical Imaging & Technology Alliance (MITA)
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13260

SA-D-Orange Blossom BR The New IEC/FDA Regulatory Paradigm for X-ray Devices Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13262

SA-D-Osceola BRC FUNdamentals- The black box in your TPS: Algorithms
Algorithms- A Review of the Current StatePresented by Karl Bush, Stanford University
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.8 (higher is better), with 14 responding
VLID: 13270

SA-D-Osceola BRC FUNdamentals- The black box in your TPS: Algorithms
Algorithms- QA & CommissioningPresented by Xiaoying Liang, University of Florida
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.8 (higher is better), with 10 responding
VLID: 13271

SA-D-Osceola BRC FUNdamentals- The black box in your TPS: Algorithms Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 13272

SU-A-Orange Blossom BR MR Safety and Quality Troubleshooting
Device Safety Testing in the MR EnvironmentPresented by R. Jason Stafford, UT MD Anderson Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 5 responding
VLID: 13273

SU-A-Orange Blossom BR MR Safety and Quality Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting MR Image Quality IssuesPresented by Anshuman Panda, Mayo Clinic, Arizona
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13274

SU-A-Osceola BRC Developments in Brachytherapy
Automation in Brachytherapy (1)Presented by Bin Cai, Washington University School of Medicine
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 13279

SU-A-Osceola BRC Developments in Brachytherapy
Automation in Brachytherapy (2)Presented by Xun Jia, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Ctr
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 13280

SU-A-Osceola BRC Developments in Brachytherapy
Intraoperative Radiation Therapy with Directional Brachytherapy (1)Presented by Zachary Grelewicz, Rush University Medical Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13281

SU-A-Osceola BRC Developments in Brachytherapy
Intraoperative Radiation Therapy with Directional Brachytherapy (2)Presented by Iavor Veltchev, Fox Chase Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13282

SU-A-Osceola BRC Developments in Brachytherapy
Intraoperative Radiation Therapy with Directional Brachytherapy (3)Presented by Matthew Studenski, Univ Miami
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 13283

SU-A-Osceola BRC Developments in Brachytherapy Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13284

SU-B-Orange Blossom BR The Future of CT Testing
Update From Task Group 233Presented by Justin Solomon, Duke University
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.8 (higher is better), with 6 responding
VLID: 13276

SU-B-Orange Blossom BR The Future of CT Testing
Update From Task Group 200Presented by Donovan Bakalyar, Henry Ford Health System
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.4 (higher is better), with 5 responding
VLID: 13277

SU-B-Osceola BRC The Case Study: A Valuable Leadership Development Tool
Part 1Presented by William Ellet, University of Miami Business School
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13288

SU-B-Osceola BRC The Case Study: A Valuable Leadership Development Tool
Part 2Presented by Jennifer Lynn Johnson, n/a
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13289

SU-C-Orange Blossom BR Medical Physics Practice Guidelines: Implementation Experience and New Reports
Medical Physics Practice Guidelines: Past, Present, and FuturePresented by Brent Parker, Univ Texas Medical Branch of Galveston
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 13285

SU-C-Orange Blossom BR Medical Physics Practice Guidelines: Implementation Experience and New Reports
Experiences and Challenges with MPPGs and Other Living DocumentsPresented by Dustin Gress, American College of Radiology
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13286

SU-C-Orange Blossom BR Medical Physics Practice Guidelines: Implementation Experience and New Reports Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13287

SU-C-Osceola BRC Talk to the Experts - Considerations in Establishing a Safety Program
A Brief IntroductionPresented by Grace Gwe-Ya Kim, University of California, San Diego
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13291

SU-C-Osceola BRC Talk to the Experts - Considerations in Establishing a Safety Program
Successfully Establishing a Safety Program in An Academic EnvironmentPresented by Todd Pawlicki, UC San Diego
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13292

SU-C-Osceola BRC Talk to the Experts - Considerations in Establishing a Safety Program
Unique Considerations in Establishing a Safety Program in a Community SettingPresented by Bradley Schuller, SCL Health
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13293

SU-C-Osceola BRC Talk to the Experts - Considerations in Establishing a Safety Program
Methods for Overcoming Barriers and Techniques for Rolling Out Interdisciplinary ChangePresented by Leah Schubert, Univ. of Colorado Denver
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13294

SU-C-Osceola BRC Talk to the Experts - Considerations in Establishing a Safety Program Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13296

SU-D-Orange Blossom BR Stereotactic Breast Imaging Biopsy Systems
Evaluating the Performance of Stereotactic Breast Imaging Biopsy SystemsPresented by Thomas Aufdemberge, Medical Physics Consultants
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.8 (higher is better), with 16 responding
VLID: 13300

SU-D-Osceola BRC Nomenclature and Big Data - TG 263 and the Future
Practical Implementation of TG 263's Standardized Nomenclatures Across Multiple Radiation Oncology PracticesPresented by Carnell Hampton, Levine Cancer Institute/Atrium Health
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13297

SU-D-Osceola BRC Nomenclature and Big Data - TG 263 and the Future
Big Data - How to Use the Past for the FuturePresented by Charles Mayo, University of Michigan
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.5 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13298

SU-D-Osceola BRC Nomenclature and Big Data - TG 263 and the Future Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13299

MO-A-Orange Blossom BR Radiography Review
Acceptance Testing Converted CR to DR SystemsPresented by Ryan Fisher, MetroHealth
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 13302

MO-A-Orange Blossom BR Radiography Review
Protocol Conversion and Optimization When Converting From CR to DRPresented by Charles Willis, MD Anderson Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13303

MO-A-Orange Blossom BR Radiography Review
EI TrackingPresented by Katie Hulme, The Cleveland Clinic
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 13304

MO-A-Osceola BRC Using Our Tools. The Future is Now!
Use of EPIDs for Routine Linac and Patient QAPresented by Casey Bojechko, University of California San Diego
This presentation has an average satisfaction 2.5 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13308

MO-A-Osceola BRC Using Our Tools. The Future is Now!
Automation of QAPresented by Jean Moran, Univ Michigan Medical Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13309

MO-A-Osceola BRC Using Our Tools. The Future is Now! Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13310

MO-B-Orange Blossom BR The New ACR Mammography QC Manual
An Overview of the New ACR DBT QC Tests and PhantomPresented by Dustin Gress, American College of Radiology
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.6 (higher is better), with 12 responding
VLID: 13311

MO-B-Orange Blossom BR The New ACR Mammography QC Manual
Physics Field Experience using the New ACR ManualPresented by Douglas Pfeiffer, Boulder Community Health
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.6 (higher is better), with 7 responding
VLID: 13312

MO-B-Orange Blossom BR The New ACR Mammography QC Manual
The New ACR 2018 Digital Mammography QC Manual: An Overview and Early Adopter PerspectivesPresented by Thomas Moore, Alliance Medical Physics LLC
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.4 (higher is better), with 8 responding
VLID: 13313

MO-B-Osceola BRC Present and Future of IMRT QA
Introduction and Background of Patient Specific QAPresented by Brian Hasson, Anne Arundel Medical Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.7 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 13315

MO-B-Osceola BRC Present and Future of IMRT QA
TG-218 and Its Implementation Into the ClinicPresented by Jaclyn Carroll, Versant Medical Physics & Radiation Safety
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.8 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 13316

MO-B-Osceola BRC Present and Future of IMRT QA
Logfile Based Patient Specific QAPresented by Ji-Yeon Park, University of Florida
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.6 (higher is better), with 5 responding
VLID: 13317

MO-B-Osceola BRC Present and Future of IMRT QA
Future Directions in Patient Specific QAPresented by Moyed Miften, University of Colorado School of Medicine
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.7 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 13318

MO-B-Osceola BRC Present and Future of IMRT QA Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13319

MO-C-Osceola BRC Medical Physicist Wellness: The Personal and Professional Toll of Burnout
Medical Physicist Wellness - Part 1Presented by David Jordan, University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.9 (higher is better), with 7 responding
VLID: 13320

MO-C-Osceola BRC Medical Physicist Wellness: The Personal and Professional Toll of Burnout
Medical Physicist Wellness - Part 2Presented by Todd Pawlicki, UC San Diego
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 6 responding
VLID: 13321

MO-C-Osceola BRC Medical Physicist Wellness: The Personal and Professional Toll of Burnout Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13322

MO-D-Orange Blossom BR Pediatric Nuclear Medicine
Pediatric Nuclear MedicinePresented by Nima Kasraie, Children's Mercy Hospitals and Clinics
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13306

MO-D-Osceola BRC Watching the Surface for What Lies Beneath - SGRT
Overview of Current Practice and Clinical ImplementationPresented by Dennis Stanley, The University of Alabama at Birmingham
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 13323

MO-D-Osceola BRC Watching the Surface for What Lies Beneath - SGRT
Clinical Applications and FuturePresented by Ryan Foster, Atrium Health/LCI NorthEast
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.3 (higher is better), with 3 responding
VLID: 13324

MO-D-Osceola BRC Watching the Surface for What Lies Beneath - SGRT Q & A
Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 3.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13325

TU-A-Orange Blossom BR Physics and Clinical Perspectives on Tomosynthesis
Physics and Technology Overview of Tomosynthesis SystemsPresented by Andrew Maidment, Univ Pennsylvania
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13331

TU-A-Orange Blossom BR Physics and Clinical Perspectives on Tomosynthesis
A Radiologist's Perspective On TomosynthesisPresented by Emily Conant, The University of Pennsylvania Health System
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13332

Special Considerations for SRS/SBRT Treatments Using the Single-Isocenter for Multiple Targets TechniquePresented by Justin Roper, Sarah Cannon
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.9 (higher is better), with 7 responding
VLID: 13326

New Features of Gamma Knife Icon Poses Challenges to the Workflow and Scheduling of a Traditional Gamma Knife ClinicPresented by Jenghwa Chang, Northwell Health
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.5 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13327

Commissioning of the Treatment Planning System for SRS/SBRT Using Small FieldsPresented by Seng-Boh Lim, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.8 (higher is better), with 4 responding
VLID: 13328

New Opportunities for Fractionated Stereotactic Radiotherapy Using Gammaknife IconPresented by Anuj Goenka, Northwell Health
This presentation has an average satisfaction 5.0 (higher is better), with 2 responding
VLID: 13329

Q & APresented by
This presentation has an average satisfaction 4.0 (higher is better), with 1 responding
VLID: 13330

TU-B-Osceola BRC ABR, Regulatory, and Legislative Update
A Post Midterm Look at the Legislative EnvironmentPresented by Matt Reiter, Capital Associates, Inc.
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13334

TU-B-Osceola BRC ABR, Regulatory, and Legislative Update
Update on CRCPD's Medical Event Reporting Data and Review of other Current State Regulatory IssuesPresented by Jennifer Elee, LA Dept of Environmental Qual
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13335

TU-B-Osceola BRC ABR, Regulatory, and Legislative Update
Trending Regulatory Issues Impacting the Medical Use of RadiationPresented by Richard Martin, AAPM
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13336

TU-B-Osceola BRC ABR, Regulatory, and Legislative Update
Getting Ready for the ABR Online Longitudinal Assessment (OLA)Presented by Kalpana Kanal, Univ Washington
This presentation has an average satisfaction 0.0 (higher is better), with 0 responding
VLID: 13337