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Report No. 394 - AAPM WGPE report 394: Simulated error training for the physics plan and chart review (2024)

Category: Reports

Simulated error training is a method to practice error detection in situations where the occurrence of error is low. Such is the case for the physics plan and chart review where a physicist may check several plans before encountering a significant problem. By simulating potentially hazardous errors, physicists can become familiar with how they manifest and learn from mistakes made during a simulated plan review.

Medical Physics

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Keywords: error prevention, plan review, simulation training
Task Group No. 394 - Simulated Error Training for the Physics Plan and Chart Review (TG394)

Perry B. Johnson, Leah K. Schubert, Grace Gwe-Ya Kim, Jacqueline T. Faught, Courtney R. Buckey, Leigh A. Conroy, Samuel Ming Ho Luk, Deborah L. Schofield, Stephanie A. Parker

Committee Responsible: Work Group on Prevention of Errors in Radiation Oncology

Last Review Date:
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