The Exchange Scientist Program provides an opportunity for members of the AAPM to visit other countries to promote the exchange of scientific information and to facilitate the advancement of the field of medical physics at the international level.
The Program is primarily serving as an information exchange forum by maintaining a list of approved Exchange Scientists (ES) as well as a list, if any, of Host Institutions interested in requesting an ES for any project. Any subsequent arrangement or contract is entirely between the ES and the Host Institution, and the ES program in general has no funding or further involvement with the visit, other than publishing the report from the ES on completion of the visit.
A further intent of the Program is to provide the ES with the status and motivation to pay short visits to other institutions when travelling for business or personal purposes.
Please select the Details tab for details on participating in this Program and the Lists tab to review the current list of Host Institutions and Exchange Scientists currently participating in the Program.
Host Institution Application Form
To be used by institutions outside the USA and Canada interested in hosting visits by members of the AAPM under the Exchange Scientist Program.
Exchange Scientist Application Form
To be used by members of the AAPM who wish to visit Host Institutions under the Exchange Scientist Program.
Exchange Scientist Report Form
To be used by members of the AAPM to report on visits under the Exchange Scientist Program.
To be issued by the AAPM after receiving the completed Waiver forms.
List of Exchange Scientists
Scientist Name & Institution |
Med Phys Field |
Language Capability |
Contact Information |
Justus Adamson; Ph.D. Duke Univ., Durham, NC |
Radiation Oncology |
Spanish | 919-613-6722 justus.adamson@duke.edu |
Amal Alryati, M.S. St Peter Health, Troy, NY |
Radiation Oncology |
Arabic | 518-243-4405 alriy3@aol.com |
Sherry Andrew, MS Elliot Hospital, Manchester, NH |
Radiation Oncology |
Spanish | 919-345-9543 sher.leep@gmail.com |
Komanduri M. Ayyangar, Ph.D. Emeritus Prof., Univ. of Nebraska |
Radiation Oncology |
Indian | 402-302-9110 akomanduri@gmail.com |
Bijan Arjomandy, PhD McLaren Proton Therapy Center,MI |
Radiation Oncology |
Persian Farsi |
810-342-3858 arjomandy_2000@yahoo.com |
James Balter,
Ph.D. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI |
Radiation Oncology |
734-936-4309 jbalter@umich.edu |
Tewfik J Bichay, PhD Saint Mary's Health Care, Grand Rapids, MI |
Radiation Oncology |
French | 616-685-6367 BichayT@MercyHealth.com |
Luis Bravo, MS Sugar Land, TX |
Radiation Oncology |
Spanish | 773-732-3903 luisbravo76@yahoo.com |
Minsong Cao, PhD UCLA Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA |
Radiation Oncology |
Mandarin Chinese | 317-709-2044 caominsong@yahoo.com |
Zong-Ping Chen, PhD Northwest Medical Physics Center, Lynnwood, WA |
Radiation Oncology |
Chinese | zongpingchen@yahoo.com |
Doracy P Fontenla, PhD Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, NY |
Medical Physics |
Portuguese Spanish |
212-639-8759 doracy@earthlink.net |
Jung T. Ho, Ph.D. Presbyterian Intercommunity Hospital,CA |
Radiotherapy & Diagnostic |
Mandarin Chinese |
562-698-0811Ext:15758 jung.ho@pihhealth.org |
David Y.C. Huang, PhD Memorial Sloan Kettering, NY |
Radiotherapy | Mandarin Chinese |
516-256-3607 huangd2013@gmail.com |
Don-Soo Kim, Ph.D. Children's Hospital, Boston, MA |
Diagnostic Radiology |
Korean | 617-355-3261 Don-Soo.Kim@tch.harvard.edu |
Qing Lei, M.S. Castro Valley, CA |
Radiation Oncology |
Mandarin Chinese |
510-727-8255 LeiQ@sutterhealth.com |
Pei-Jan Paul Lin, Ph.D. VCU Medical Center, Richmond, VA |
Diagnostic Radiology |
Japanese, Chinese |
804-828-3497 Pei-Jan.Lin@vcuhealth.org |
Xing-Qi Lu, Ph.D. Massachusetts General Hospital Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA |
Radiation Oncology |
Chinese | 617-726-5085 xlu12@mgh.harvard.edu |
Hai Luo, PhD Orange Regional Medical Center, Middletown, NY 10940 |
Radiation Oncology |
Chinese, Mandarin | 646-427-8610 hai.luo@gmail.com |
Mahadevappa Mahesh, PhD Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore |
Diagnostic Radiology |
Indian Kanada |
410-955-5115 mmahesh@jhmi.edu |
Michael McNitt-Gray,
Ph.D. UCLA, Los Angeles, California |
Medical Imaging |
310-794-8979 mmcnittgray@mednet.ucla.edu |
Ali S. Meigooni, Ph.D. Comprehensive Cancer Center, Las Vegas, NV |
Brachytherapy Radiotherapy |
Farsi | 702-343-8020 alimeig@gmail.com |
Mohamedo S Minhaj, Ph.D. Media, PA |
Radiation Oncology |
Tamil Sinhalese |
910-703-6845 minhajsaleem@yahoo.com |
Guangwei Mu, PhD New York, NY |
Radiation Oncology |
Chinese | 612-236-5401 guangwei.mu@gmail.com |
Laura O'Neill, M.Sc. Avera Cancer Center, Mitchell, SD |
Radiation Oncology |
Spanish | 605-630-4474 laura@oneill-enterprises.com |
Anas Orfali, M.Sc. Harbor Springs, MI |
Radiation Oncology |
Arabic, French German |
734-604-2089 orfa99@gmail.com |
Stephanie A. Parker, M.S. Novant Health Forsyth Medical Center Winston-Salem, NC |
Radiation Oncology |
None | 336-972-0938 stefparkerjones@gmail.com |
E. Ishmael Parsai, PhD Medical College of Ohio, OH |
Radiation Oncology |
Persian Farsi Arabic |
419-383-5113 e.parsai@utoledo.edu |
Jean L. Peng, PhD Medical University of South Carolina, SC |
Radiation Oncology |
Chinese Cantonese |
843-792-3711 pengl@musc.edu |
Yakov Pipman, PhD FOREST HILLS , NY |
Radiation Oncology |
Spanish Hebrew |
718-520-2969 ypipman@yahoo.com |
Bouchaib Rabbani, Ph.D., Newport Beach, California. |
Radiation Oncology |
Arabic | 949-433-2787 brabbani@aol.com, b.rabbani@cox.net |
Ravindra P. Rao, M.S. Monroe Township, NJ |
Radiotherapy & Diagnostic |
Kannada, Himdi Marathi, Tamil |
908-705-7737 ravirao13@mac.com |
Yi Rong, PhD UC Davis, Sacramento, CA 95630 |
Radiation Oncology |
Chinese, Mandarin | 916-734-3255 yrong@ucdavis.edu |
Surendra N. Rustgi, PhD Pembroke Pines, FL |
Radiation Oncology |
Hindi | 954-559-2465 srustgi@gmail.com |
Cheng B. Saw, PhD Harrisburg, PA |
Radiation Oncology |
Malaysian, Hokkian |
412-580-1861 cbsaw2014@yahoo.com |
Saiyid Masroor Shah, PhD Evansville Cancer Ctr., Indiana |
Radiation Oncology |
Urdu | 812-205-6610 s.shah@att.net smshah@evcancntr.net |
Chengyu Shi, PhD Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Middletown, NJ 07748 |
Radiation Oncology |
Chinese, Mandarin | 848-225-6165 shic@mskcc.org |
Igor V Shishkov, MS Cancer Center of Hawaii Honolulu, HI |
Radiation Oncology |
Russian | 810-985-1564 igorshishkov@gmail.com |
Almon S. Shiu, PhD Univ Southern California, Los Angeles , CA |
Radiation Oncology |
Chinese, Mandarin & Cantonese |
323-865-0515 almon.shiu@med.usc.edu |
Jason W. Sohn, PhD Cleveland, OH |
Radiation Oncology |
Korean | 216-844-2736 jason.sohn@case.edu |
Xiaoli Tang, PhD Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Rye Brook, NY 10573 |
Radiation Oncology |
Chinese, Mandarin | 914-367-7089 xiaoli.tang@gmail.com |
Jacob Van Dyk, M.Sc. London, Ontario |
Radiation Oncology |
Dutch (Low level) | 519-472-2951 vandyk@uwo.ca |
Theordore Villafana, Ph.D. Boca Ratan, FL |
Radiation Safety |
Spanish | 561-361-8447 villafana1@yahoo.com |
Brian Wang, PhD University of Louisville, Louisville, KY |
Radiation Oncology |
Chinese | 502-561-7333 brian.wang@louisville.edu |
Xin Wang, PhD UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX |
Radiation Oncology |
Chinese | 713-563-3603 xawang@mdanderson.org |
Yoichi Watanabe, Ph.D. Minneapolis, MN |
Radiation Oncology |
Japanese | 612-626-6708 watan016@umn.edu |
D. Allan Wilkinson, PhD Cleveland, OH |
Hyperthermia Radiotherapy |
French | 216-445-8289 wilkina@ccf.org |
E. Anthony Brinton Wolbarst, PhD Kentucky College of Medicine, Lexington, KY |
Radiology | French | 859-879-3175 awolbarst2@outlook.com |
Milton K. Woo, PhD Ontario, Canada |
Radiotherapy | Chinese Cantonese |
416-480-5853 milton.woo@sunnybrook.ca |
Raymond K. Wu, PhD International MP Certification Board IMPCB, Phoenix, AZ |
Radiation Oncology |
Chinese, Mandarin & Cantonese |
614-596-1518 RayKWu@gmail.com |
Richard Wu, M.S. M.D. Anderson Cancer Ctr. Houston, Texas |
Proton Radiotherapy | Chinese, Mandarin | 713-563-2528 rywu@mdanderson.org |
Jun Yang, Ph.D. Havertown, PA |
Radiation Oncology |
Chinese | 610-446-6850 jyang@AllianceOncology.com |
Jinzhong Yang, Ph.D. MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX 77030 |
Radiation Oncology |
Chinese, Mandarin |
713-792-2814 jyang4@mdanderson.org |
Cheng Yu, Ph.D. Univ. Southern California, L.A., CA |
Radiation Oncology |
Mandarin Chinese |
323-442-8735 chengyu@usc.edu |
Habid Zaidi Ph.D. Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Geneva University Hospital Geneva, Switzerland |
Medical Imaging | Franch Arabic |
41-22-37.27.258 habib.zaidi@hcuge.ch |
Jay J. Zheng, PhD Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian, Irvine, CA |
Radiotherapy | Mandarin Chinese |
949-764-5528 Jay.Zheng@hoag.org |
Andy Zhu, PhD David C Pratt Cancer Center, St. Louis, MO |
Radiation Oncology Radiation Protection |
Mandarin Chinese |
314-251-6844 Ext: 27534 azhu77@yahoo.com |
Please submit inquiries or comments to the Exchange Scientist Program Subcommittee Chair. If you are a non-member, you may contact the AAPM Headquarters office at 571-298-1300 for their contact information.
List of Host Institutions
Bangladesh Medical Physics Certification Board |
South Asia Centre for Medical Physics and Cancer Research |
CAMS Shenzhen Winter School |
Chinese Academy of Medical Science (CAMS) Shenzhen Cancer Hospital |
Please submit inquiries or comments to the Exchange Scientist Program Subcommittee Chair. If you are a non-member, you may contact the AAPM Headquarters office at 571-298-1300 for their contact information.