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AAPM Medical Physics Resource Page

Please report broken links and suggest items for inclusion on this page to Nathan Childress at nathanchildress@gmail.com. Help tending any subsection(s) of this page is always welcome. The presence of an item on this page does not represent any expressed or implied endorsement by the AAPM.

Education and Training Resources Mailing Lists Health Physics & Rad Safety
Nuc Med & PET Radiology, MRI, & US Radiation Oncology
Publications & Publishers Newsgroups Data & Standards
Misc. & Eclectic FAQ Pages Search Engines
MedPhys Calendar *MedPhys Organizations Students and Junior Physicists

* Organizations include ICRU, ISO, IAEA, IEC, ISMRM, IOMP, HPS, etc., etc.

Physics Data & Standards


Health Physics & Radiation Safety


Radiation Oncology


Diagnostic Radiology, MRI, & Ultrasound Imaging


Nuclear Medicine & PET Resources


Miscellaneous & Eclectic Sites



For then currently-available AAPM publications see Medical Physics 26, 496-497 (1999)






Education and Training Resources


Search Engines


Students and Junior Physicists



Mailing Lists

The following mailing lists and web sites may be of interest to those in the radiation sciences. With mailing lists the postings arrive at your terminal as email. Responses are sent via email to the listserver (i.e., to ALL subscribers) or privately. You will automatically receive instructions on how to unsubscribe after you subscribe to the list.

The AAPM Mailing Lists

The AAPM supports a number of official mailing lists for announcements, solicitation of member feedback and other AAPM business. You are automatically subscribed to the the members' one-way list if you are an AAPM member and have your email address on file in the membership directory. The contact for posting to this list is the AAPM's listmaster, Michael Woodward. The AAPM also supports a number of closed 2-way lists for committees and other of its working groups.

A number of AAPM Regional Chapters also have their own mailing lists, some hosted by the AAPM, others hosted elsewhere. Some are unmoderated two-way discussion lists and are used for announcing chapter meetings and discussing chapter issues. AAPM chapter members may or may not be automatically subscribed depending on their chapter's mode of operating the list. Contact the Chapter President for the details of a given list.

Members of the American medical physics community seeking a national two-way list to discuss organizational or national issues may use MedPhysUSA without regard to membership in any particular organization.

Diagnostic Imaging Medical Physicists List (DXIMGMEDPHYS)

To subscribe, simply send the following text in the body of a message (not subject!) to listserv@hermes.gwu.edu:

subscribe Name-of-the-list Your-First-Name Your-Last-Name
example: subscribe DXIMGMEDPHYS John Doe

Please note that your message cannot contain any other text, such as your signature file. Any other text is interpreted as a command, the LISTSERV server will return errors.

The American Medical Physics Mailing List (MedPhysUSA)

MedPhysUSA provides an unmoderated two-way forum for issues that have limited interest outside of the USA and that would be inappropriate or inconsiderate to send to physicists worldwide via Global MedPhys. Topics may include government reimbursement, state and federal regs, certifying boards, job postings, local and regional meeting announcements, etc. However everyone, regardless of location, is welcome to subscribe. Global MedPhys and MedPhysUSA subscriptions are completely independent of each other even though they come from the same listserver. You subscribe via the website or by sending email with the text:

subscribe MedPhysUSA firstname lastname
without punctuation, degrees, certifications, military rank, etc. to listserv@lists.wayne.edu

For example send
subscribe MedPhysUSA John Doe
to the LISTSERV address from the email address where you wish to receive the email.

The subject field is unimportant, only the text of the message is read by the Listserv software.

Subscription options and list archives are available at lists.wayne.edu/archives/medphysusa.html.

The Global Medical Physics Mailing List (MedPhys)

This is the main forum for the international medical physics community. It is a global English-language electronic mailing list with >2700 subscribers in over 70 countries. You subscribe to Global MedPhys via the website or by sending email with the text:

subscribe medphys firstname lastname
without punctuation, degrees, certifications, military rank, etc. to listserv@lists.wayne.edu

For example send
subscribe medphys John Doe
to the LISTSERV address from the email address where you wish to receive the email.

The subject field is unimportant, only the text of the message is read by the Listserv software.

Subscription options and list archives are available at lists.wayne.edu/archives/medphys.html.

The Linear Accelerator Engineers' Mailing List

To subscribe, send the message "subscribe linac-eng" (with NO name following) to: majordomo@plato.aristotle.net The address for submissions is linac-eng@plato.aristotle.net

The Medical Dosimetry Mailing List

Go to their webpage to subscribe.

The Mould Room Mailing List

See the webpage.

dicomrt · Technical Discussion of the Radiotherapy objects in DICOM

See http://groups.yahoo.com/group/dicomrt/

The Gel Dosimetry Mailing List

Scientific and technical discussions on three-dimensional radiation gel dosimetry techniques. To SUBSCRIBE to the list, send a message to postoffice@physci.qut.edu.au with SUBSCRIBE geldosimetry in the body of the message. No signature or subject is preferable

The Vascular Brachytherapy Mailing List

Contact Keris@astro.org to be added to the list.

The Boron Neutron Capture Mailing List

You send the message "subscribe bnct [your name]" without the quotation marks or brackets to: listserv@mitmva.mit.edu

The Radiation Therapy Mailing List

This list is a forum for radiation therapy professionals and students to ask questions, discuss solutions, exchange ideas about equipment, jobs, safety, etc. See the website.

The Clinical Radiation Oncology Mailing List

To subscribe, see go here.

The Radiobiology Mailing List

To subscribe, send the message "subscribe radiobiology [your name]" without the quotation marks or brackets to: listserv@jiscmail.ac.uk


is the English language European equivalent to the international radiation safety mailing list RADSAFE. To subscribe to Radsafe-EU send an e-mail to: majordomo@fz-juelich.de Commands in the "Subject:" line will NOT be processed. In the body of the message type the following command lines: subscribe radsafe-eu end


is the equivalent to Radsafe for German-speaking countries. To subscribe to Radsafe-D send an e-mail to: Majordomo@fz-juelich.de Commands in the "Subject:" line will not be processed. In the body of the message type the following command lines: subscribe radsafe-d end

Philips Pinnacle 3 Users Group

To subscribe, send a blank email to: pinnacle3-users+subscribe@googlegroups.com .  You can view more options and see the message archive at http://groups.google.com/group/pinnacle3-users .

CadPlan Users Group

Any CadPlan user can subscribe to the list by sending a request email message to
owner-cug@majordomo.uni-ulm.de with a short statement telling who they are and what is their interest in CadPlan.

Helax-TMS Treatment Planning System Mailing List

To subscribe, send email with the text:
Subscribe helax [your name]
without the brackets to listserver@lists.acs.ohio-state.edu

MOSAIQ (Record & Verify) Users' Mailing List

Please visit http://mailman.wfubmc.edu/mailman/listinfo/mosaiq-users to subscribe to the user-run MOSAIQ mailing list.

Nucletron Users Mailing List

Send a subscription request to bursters@radonc.ccf.org

Theratronics Theraplan Plus Mailing List

Request a subscription via email to tpplistserver@theratronics.com. Include in the body of your message the TPS unit number, the email address you wish to use for the subscription, your institution's name, and your name.

Medical Informatics Mailing List (computer applications in medical care)

To subscribe, send a message "SUBSCRIBE MEDINF-L your name" to LISTSERV@VM.GMD.DE

Artificial Intelligence in Medicine Mailing List

For more information or for a subscription, e-mail to ai-medicine-REQUEST@med.stanford.edu

Note: Majordomo, Mailbase, and Listserv are different list managers and have different command structures. They will confirm your subscription(s) and send you additional information.

Other mailing lists may be found at the Radiation Information Network and The Association of Cancer Online Resources.


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37333 accesses since 28 Oct 2000
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The American Association of Physicists in Medicine, ©2000-2010