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Policy number Policy name Policy date Sunset date
AP 56-C Executive Directors Salary Review Procedures 11/28/2021 12/31/2026
Policy source
EXCOM Meeting Minutes - November 28, 2021
Policy text

The Executive Committee functions as a Performance Review Committee charged with annually reviewing and setting the compensation for the Executive Director. This review will take place during the preparation of the budget for the coming year and is reported to the Board at their last meeting of the year.



Early in the year, the Executive Director and the President prepare and agree on a set of goals for the Executive Director and the HQ office for the year. These goals are reviewed quarterly, with adjustments made as needed.

The Executive Director reports to the Executive Committee on progress on the goals periodically throughout the year.


A survey will be sent to all Board, Council and Committee Chairs requesting feedback on the Executive Director's performance. Headquarters will assist in the survey process if desired. The responses will be returned to the President for analysis.

The AIP Human Resources Director will send salary benchmark information for the Executive Director's position to the Executive Committee, including the Executive Director.

The Executive Committee will review the Executive Director's performance in executive session and determine the salary for the coming year.  The President will communicate to the Executive Director the results of the performance review and the compensation status for the coming year. This salary is included in the compensation package that is presented to the Finance Committee in the draft budget.

The President will transmit a written evaluation of the Executive Director to AIP for placement in the Executive Director's personnel file.


The Treasurer will confirm the Executive Director's salary when reported to the Human Resources Director's office at AIP during the end of the year processes.

In a separate process, the Executive Committee will set a recommendation for the Executive Director’s annual bonus in executive session near the end of the year, and will present that recommendation to the Board for consideration and approval in executive session at the fall Board meeting.

Policy version history
Policy number Policy name Policy date Sunset date Active?
AP 56-A Executive Directors Salary Review Procedures 2/8/2002 7/20/2007 Inactive
AP 56-B Executive Directors Salary Review Procedures 7/21/2007 12/31/2023 Inactive
AP 56-C Executive Directors Salary Review Procedures 11/28/2021 12/31/2026 Active

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