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Policy number Policy name Policy date Sunset date
PS 2-B Dose Management in Diagnostic Radiology 8/25/2022 12/31/2027
Policy source
November 29, 2017 Board of Directors Meeting
Policy text
Medical imaging has been proven to save lives and spare more invasive diagnostic procedures, such as exploratory surgery. Thus, imaging procedures with ionizing radiation should be used when clinically appropriate and be performed using the lowest radiation dose necessary to accomplish the clinical task. However, reduction of radiation dose without regard to its effects on image quality is potentially harmful to the patient and may compromise appropriate medical care. Qualified medical physicists, imaging physicians, physician extenders, radiologic technologists, and imaging equipment vendors should work together to develop optimized protocols that appropriately balance the medical benefits from a diagnostic quality exam with the potential risk from ionizing radiation.
Policy version history
Policy number Policy name Policy date Sunset date Active?
PP 13-A Dose Management in Diagnostic Radiology 7/18/2002 11/28/2017 Inactive
PP 13-B Dose Management in Diagnostic Radiology 11/29/2017 12/31/2022 Inactive
PS 2-A Dose Management in Diagnostic Radiology 11/29/2017 12/31/2022 Inactive
PS 2-B Dose Management in Diagnostic Radiology 8/25/2022 12/31/2027 Active

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