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Task Group No. 381 - AAPM Recommendations on imaging, dosimetry and quality assurance procedures for Lu-177-based radionuclide therapy (TG381)

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ActivitiesThe overall goal of this task group is to promote the clinical advancement of radionuclide therapies involving Lu-177 by providing recommendations on imaging, dosimetry and quality management and control procedures.
Specific charges:
  1. Provide an overview the current state of clinical procedures and ongoing clinical trials that involve Lu-177.
  2. Emphasize the importance of accurate activity quantification techniques in the clinic and the use of standards for which instrumentation used in the clinics and radiopharmacies can be calibrated.
  3. Discuss current approaches, challenges and opportunities related to imaging and dosimetry for Lu-177 procedures.
  4. Address uncertainties related to imaging and dosimetry for Lu-177 procedures and identify quality management and control processes to reduce these uncertainties.
  5. Provide recommendations on how to advance the use of imaging and dosimetry for Lu-177 procedures in the clinic.
By-Laws:Not Referenced.Rules: Not Referenced.
Standing?This is not a standing committee.
Approved Date(s):5/18/2022 - 12/31/2025
Reviewable Draft Deadline:
Committee Keywords: No Keywords Entered

Board of Directors
Science Council
Therapy Physics Cmte  [Status]
Radiopharmaceutical Therapy SC  [Status]
TG381 - AAPM Recommendations on imaging, dosimetry and quality assurance procedures for Lu-177-based radionuclide therapy  [Status]

» Conflict of Interest report for TG381
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Yuni Dewaraja
Task Group Chair

2025 Roster

(dates shown below are start and end dates of position.)

= complete and up-to-date
= up-to-date but expires soon
= incomplete or out of date conflict of interest statement.

VOTING AppointmentsThere are 6 voting members.

up-to-dateYuni K. Dewaraja

5/17/2022 - 12/31/2025 Task Group Chair

up-to-dateStephen A. Graves Ph.D.

5/17/2022 - 12/31/2025 Member

up-to-dateRobert F. Hobbs, PhD

5/17/2022 - 12/31/2025 Member

up-to-dateBrian W. Miller, PhD

5/17/2022 - 12/31/2025 Member

up-to-dateLevent Sensoy, PhD

5/17/2022 - 12/31/2025 Member

up-to-dateIvan W. T. Yeung, PhD

5/17/2022 - 12/31/2025 Member
NON-VOTING AppointmentsThere are 6 non-voting members and guests.

up-to-dateJean-mathieu Beauregard

5/17/2022 - 12/31/2025 Consultant (nonvoting)

up-to-dateDenis Bergeron, PhD

5/17/2022 - 12/31/2025 Consultant (nonvoting)

up-to-dateJulia F. Brosch-Lenz

7/1/2022 - 12/31/2025 Consultant (nonvoting)

up-to-dateMarta Cremonesi

5/17/2022 - 12/31/2025 Consultant (nonvoting)

up-to-dateEric L. Gingold, PhD

5/1/2023 - 12/31/2025 Guest (nonvoting)

up-to-dateCarlos Uribe

7/1/2022 - 12/31/2025 Consultant (nonvoting)
HQ Team Appointed to CommitteeThere are 0 staff.

See connections to Task Group No. 381 - AAPM Recommendations on imaging, dosimetry and quality assu