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Work Group on Report Writing (WGRW)

AAPM Members, Affiliates and Non-Member Affiliates - Login for access to additional information

  • Identify key milestones for AAPM reports (especially task group reports)
  • Set expected timelines for AAPM report writing and review stages along with recommended remediation procedures for when timelines are not met
  • Develop templates with standard sections for signature AAPM report types
  • Establish a mechanism and timeline for a standard cross-council broad review of key information
By-Laws:Not Referenced.Rules: Not Referenced.
Standing?This is not a standing committee.
Approved Date(s):9/14/2023
Committee Keywords: No Keywords Entered

Board of Directors
Science Council
Work Group on Report Writing  [Status]

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Jean Moran
Workgroup Chair

2025 Roster

(dates shown below are start and end dates of position.)

= complete and up-to-date
= up-to-date but expires soon
= incomplete or out of date conflict of interest statement.

VOTING AppointmentsThere are 8 voting members.

up-to-dateSean A. Dresser, MS

9/14/2023 - 12/31/2026 Member

up-to-dateRobert J. Kobistek, MS

4/15/2024 - 12/31/2026 Member

up-to-dateChristopher S. Melhus, PhD

4/15/2024 - 12/31/2026 Member

up-to-dateDimitris N. Mihailidis, PhD

9/14/2023 - 12/31/2026 Vice Chair,  Therapy Physics Committee (ex officio)

up-to-dateJean M. Moran, PhD

9/14/2023 - 12/31/2026 Workgroup Chair

up-to-dateIoannis Sechopoulos, PhD

9/14/2023 - 12/31/2026 Chair,  Imaging Physics Committee (ex officio)

up-to-dateJeffrey V. Siebers, PhD

4/30/2024 - 12/31/2026 Member

up-to-dateKevin A. Wunderle, PhD

9/14/2023 - 12/31/2026 Vice Chair,  Imaging Physics Committee (ex officio)
NON-VOTING AppointmentsThere are 1 non-voting members and guests.

up-to-dateParisa Sadeghi, PhD

1/1/2025 - 12/31/2025 Guest (nonvoting)
HQ Team Appointed to CommitteeThere are 5 staff.

up-to-dateShana Donchatz

9/14/2023 - 12/31/2037 Programs Manager (ex officio, nonvoting)

up-to-dateJill Moton, MBA

9/14/2023 - 12/31/2037 Programs Manager (ex officio, nonvoting)

up-to-dateElle Thomas

9/14/2023 - 12/31/2037 Senior Managing Editor (ex officio, nonvoting)

up-to-dateNancy J. Vazquez

9/14/2023 - 12/31/2037 Programs Manager (ex officio, nonvoting)

up-to-dateNicholai Wingreen, BA

9/14/2023 - 12/31/2037 Programs Manager (ex officio, nonvoting)

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