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Working Group on Brachytherapy Dosimetry (WGBD)

AAPM Members, Affiliates and Non-Member Affiliates - Login for access to additional information

  1. Educate the brachytherapy community in best practices on the use of dosimetry datasets and calibration standards.
  2. Lead the development of consensus brachytherapy source data through evaluation of published single-source dose distributions.
  3. Periodically review and revise the prerequisites for brachytherapy sources to be listed on the Source Registry and coordinate AAPM responses regarding primary and secondary standards relevant to brachytherapy planning and dosimetry. This also includes evaluating methodology for clinical calibration of brachytherapy sources.

By-Laws:Not Referenced.Rules: Not Referenced.
Standing?This is not a standing committee.
Approved Date(s):n/a
Committee Keywords: WGBD

Javier Vijande
Workgroup Chair

2025 Roster

(dates shown below are start and end dates of position.)

= complete and up-to-date
= up-to-date but expires soon
= incomplete or out of date conflict of interest statement.

VOTING AppointmentsThere are 8 voting members.

up-to-dateWesley S. Culberson, PhD

10/27/2016 - 12/31/2025 Chair,  TG292 - Electronic Brachytherapy Dosimetry (ex officio)
1/1/2025 - 12/31/2027 Work Group Vice Chair

up-to-dateFrank William Hensley, PhD

4/23/2021 - 12/31/2026 Member

up-to-dateJessica R. Lowenstein, MS

4/23/2021 - 12/31/2026 Member

up-to-dateCourtney C. Oare, PhD

12/22/2023 - 12/31/2026 Member

up-to-dateMark J. Rivard, PhD

3/14/2022 - 12/31/2026 Chair,  Unit 78 - Brachytherapy Dosimetry Consensus Datasets (ex officio)

up-to-dateJeffrey V. Siebers, PhD

9/26/2022 - 12/31/2025 Member Calibration Laboratory Accreditation Subcommittee (ex officio)

up-to-dateSamuel Trichter, DrPH, MS

4/23/2021 - 12/31/2026 Member

up-to-dateJavier Vijande, PhD

4/23/2021 - 12/31/2026 Member
1/1/2025 - 12/31/2027 Workgroup Chair
NON-VOTING AppointmentsThere are 7 non-voting members and guests.

up-to-dateMarc J. Chamberland, PhD

1/1/2025 - 12/31/2025 Guest (nonvoting)

up-to-dateLarry A. DeWerd, PhD

1/1/2019 - 12/31/2025 Consultant (nonvoting)

up-to-dateJessica R. Lowenstein, MS

1/1/2021 - 12/31/2026 Liaison - IROC Houston (formerly RPC) (ex officio, nonvoting)

up-to-dateErnesto Mainegra-Hing, PhD

1/1/2023 - 12/31/2025 Consultant (nonvoting)

up-to-dateZoubir Ouhib, MS

1/1/2019 - 12/31/2025 Consultant (nonvoting)

up-to-dateMeysam Tavakoli

1/1/2025 - 12/31/2025 Guest (nonvoting)

up-to-dateChristian Valdes, PhD

1/1/2025 - 12/31/2025 Guest (nonvoting)
HQ Team Appointed to CommitteeThere are 0 staff.

See connections to Working Group on Brachytherapy Dosimetry