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Insurance Subcommittee (INSUSC)

AAPM Members, Affiliates and Non-Member Affiliates - Login for access to additional information

  1. Develop and maintain AAPM member access to insurance products and services pertaining to the professional practice of medical physics.

  2. Provide education to members on the role of insurance products and services in the professional practice of medical physics.

By-Laws:Not Referenced.Rules: Not Referenced.
Standing?This is not a standing committee.
Approved Date(s):n/a
Committee Keywords: INSUSC, liability, liability insurance

Adi Robinson
Subcommittee Chair

2025 Roster

(dates shown below are start and end dates of position.)

= complete and up-to-date
= up-to-date but expires soon
= incomplete or out of date conflict of interest statement.

VOTING AppointmentsThere are 1 voting members.

up-to-dateAdi Robinson, PhD

1/1/2022 - 12/31/2027 Subcommittee Chair
NON-VOTING AppointmentsThere are 0 non-voting members and guests.
HQ Team Appointed to CommitteeThere are 2 staff.

up-to-dateDavid Gammel

1/2/2024 - 12/31/2037 Executive Director (ex officio, nonvoting)

up-to-dateNicholai Wingreen, BA

11/14/2018 - 12/31/2037 Programs Manager (ex officio, nonvoting)

See connections to Insurance Subcommittee