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Education Council (EC)

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By-Laws:Article III, Section 4Rules: 3.7
Standing?This is a standing committee.
Approved Date(s):n/a
Committee Keywords: EC , Ed Council

Jay Burmeister
Council Chair

2025 Roster

(dates shown below are start and end dates of position.)

= complete and up-to-date
= up-to-date but expires soon
= incomplete or out of date conflict of interest statement.

VOTING AppointmentsThere are 12 voting members.

up-to-dateJay W. Burmeister, PhD

10/14/2024 - 12/31/2027 Council Chair

up-to-dateAshley Cetnar, PhD, MS

1/1/2022 - 12/31/2027 Chair,  Committee on Medical Physicists as Educators (ex officio)
1/1/2025 - 12/31/2027 Council Vice Chair

up-to-dateQuan Chen, PhD

3/26/2024 - 12/31/2026 Chair,  Educator’s Resource Guide Working Group (ex officio)

up-to-dateScott J. Emerson, MS

1/1/2020 - 12/31/2025 Chair,  Medical Physics Education of Allied Health Professionals (ex officio)

up-to-dateLeonard H. Kim, MusD

4/5/2021 - 12/31/2026 Member

up-to-dateHeng Li, PhD

1/1/2025 - 12/31/2027 Member

up-to-dateEric Lobb, MS

1/1/2024 - 12/31/2026 Member

up-to-dateStephanie A. Parker, MS

1/1/2024 - 12/31/2026 Chair,  Continuing Professional Development (ex officio)

up-to-dateDaniel J. Scanderbeg, PhD

1/1/2021 - 12/31/2026 Chair,  Public Education (ex officio)

up-to-dateWilliam F. Sensakovic, PhD

1/1/2021 - 12/31/2026 Chair,  Medical Physics Education of Physicians (ex officio)

up-to-dateDandan Zheng, PhD

4/5/2021 - 12/31/2026 Member
1/1/2025 - 12/31/2026 Liaison - Education Council to Science Council (ex officio)

up-to-dateJacqueline E. Zoberi, PhD

9/2/2019 - 12/31/2025 Chair,  Education and Training of Medical Physicists (ex officio)
NON-VOTING AppointmentsThere are 13 non-voting members and guests.

up-to-dateSamuel G. Armato III, PhD

1/1/2022 - 12/31/2027 Treasurer (ex officio, nonvoting)

up-to-dateSarah Aubert, PhD

1/1/2025 - 12/31/2025 Chair,  Students and Trainees Subcommittee (ex officio, nonvoting)

up-to-dateBette W. Blankenship, MS

1/1/2024 - 12/31/2026 Chair,  Administrative Council (ex officio, nonvoting)

up-to-dateFrederic H. Fahey, DSc

1/1/2024 - 12/31/2026 Liaison from Administrative Council (ex officio, nonvoting)

up-to-dateRobert Jeraj, PhD

7/25/2024 - 12/31/2027 Chair,  International Council (ex officio, nonvoting)

up-to-dateM Mahesh, PhD, MS

1/1/2025 - 12/31/2025 President (ex officio, nonvoting)

up-to-dateRobin A. Miller, MS

1/1/2024 - 12/31/2026 Chair,  Annual Meeting Education Program Working Group (ex officio, nonvoting)
1/1/2025 - 12/31/2025 President-Elect - EXCM Designate to the Council (ex officio, nonvoting)

up-to-dateJoann I. Prisciandaro, PhD

1/1/2025 - 12/31/2025 Consultant (nonvoting)

up-to-dateAnna E. Rodrigues, PhD

1/1/2025 - 12/31/2025 Liaison - SDAMPP (ex officio, nonvoting)

up-to-dateJan P. Seuntjens, PhD

1/1/2021 - 12/31/2026 Chair,  Science Council (ex officio, nonvoting)

up-to-dateEmilie T. Soisson, PhD

8/6/2021 - 12/31/2026 Liaison International Council (ex officio, nonvoting)

up-to-dateRussell B. Tarver, MS

7/25/2024 - 12/31/2027 Chair,  Professional Council (ex officio, nonvoting)

up-to-dateJohn M. Wait, MS

1/13/2025 - 12/31/2027 Liaison from Professional Council (nonvoting)
HQ Team Appointed to CommitteeThere are 6 staff.

up-to-dateDavid P. Crowley

1/1/2024 - 12/31/2037 Senior Government Relations Manager (ex officio, nonvoting)

up-to-dateShana Donchatz

7/9/2020 - 12/31/2037 Programs Manager - Science Council Staff Liaison (ex officio, nonvoting)

up-to-dateJacqueline Ogburn

8/1/2021 - 12/31/2037 Education Council Liaison (ex officio, nonvoting)

up-to-dateLisa Schober, MS

1/1/2012 - 12/31/2037 Senior Governance and Executive Office Manager (ex officio, nonvoting)

up-to-dateJustin M. Stewart, BS

11/1/2020 - 12/31/2037 Director, Programs - Administrative Council Staff Liaison (ex officio, nonvoting)

up-to-dateNicholai Wingreen, BA

1/1/2017 - 12/31/2037 Programs Manager (ex officio, nonvoting)

See connections to Education Council